Lateral rectus muscle

Medically Reviewed by Anatomy Team

The lateral rectus muscle is one of the six extraocular muscles that control eye movement. It is a long, flat muscle responsible for moving the eye in a specific direction. It is innervated by the abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI), making it unique among the extraocular muscles, as all others are innervated by the oculomotor nerve.


The lateral rectus muscle is located on the outer (lateral) side of the eye within the orbit. It originates from the common tendinous ring (annulus of Zinn) at the back of the orbit and extends forward along the lateral wall of the orbit. The muscle inserts into the sclera on the lateral side of the eyeball, just behind the equator of the eye. This positioning allows it to pull the eye outward (laterally) during movement.

Structure and Anatomy

The lateral rectus muscle is a critical component of the extraocular muscle group, responsible for specific eye movements. Its unique anatomical features allow it to perform precise actions that contribute to the control of gaze. Below is a detailed description of its anatomy, including its origin, course, insertion, and relationships with other structures in the orbit.


The lateral rectus muscle originates from the common tendinous ring (annulus of Zinn) at the posterior aspect of the orbit. The common tendinous ring is a fibrous structure located at the apex of the orbit, where several extraocular muscles arise. The origin of the lateral rectus is on the lateral side of this ring, giving it a favorable orientation for controlling outward movement of the eye.

Course and Path

After originating from the common tendinous ring, the lateral rectus muscle courses laterally along the outer wall of the orbit. It runs parallel to the orbit’s bony lateral wall, extending forward toward the eyeball. The muscle remains closely adhered to the lateral wall of the orbit throughout its course, allowing for efficient force transmission when the muscle contracts.

The lateral rectus is enclosed by orbital fascia, a connective tissue sheath that stabilizes the muscle within the orbit and guides its movement as it contracts and relaxes.


The lateral rectus muscle inserts into the sclera (the white, fibrous outer layer of the eye) on the lateral side of the eyeball. The insertion point is located just behind the equator of the globe, providing an ideal position to exert lateral force on the eye. The muscle’s broad attachment to the sclera ensures that its action is distributed across a significant portion of the lateral eye, allowing for smooth and controlled movements.

Muscle Fibers

The lateral rectus muscle is composed of skeletal muscle fibers, which are striated and under voluntary control. These muscle fibers are capable of rapid, precise contractions that are necessary for fine-tuned eye movements. The fibers are arranged longitudinally, extending from the origin at the tendinous ring to the insertion on the sclera. This alignment allows the muscle to generate efficient lateral movement of the eye when contracted.

Blood Supply

The blood supply to the lateral rectus muscle comes from branches of the ophthalmic artery, which is a branch of the internal carotid artery. Specifically, the lacrimal artery, a branch of the ophthalmic artery, provides blood to the lateral rectus. This arterial supply ensures that the muscle receives adequate oxygen and nutrients to function properly.

Nerve Supply

The lateral rectus muscle is innervated by the abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI). This nerve is unique in that it exclusively supplies the lateral rectus muscle, in contrast to the other extraocular muscles, which are innervated by the oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III). The abducens nerve enters the orbit through the superior orbital fissure and travels along the lateral wall of the orbit to reach the lateral rectus muscle, where it provides motor control, allowing for voluntary contraction of the muscle.

Fascial Attachments

The lateral rectus muscle is surrounded by orbital fascia, which supports the muscle and stabilizes it within the orbit. This fascial network is connected to the intermuscular septa, which link the lateral rectus to adjacent extraocular muscles. These fascial attachments help to coordinate the movement of the lateral rectus with the other extraocular muscles, ensuring that the eye moves smoothly and efficiently in different directions.

Relations to Other Structures

The lateral rectus muscle has important anatomical relationships with several structures within the orbit:

  • Medial Rectus Muscle: The lateral rectus is positioned opposite the medial rectus muscle, which moves the eye medially. These two muscles work as antagonists, pulling the eye in opposite directions to control horizontal movements.
  • Lacrimal Gland: The lacrimal gland, responsible for producing tears, is located superior and anterior to the lateral rectus muscle. The lacrimal artery, which supplies blood to the muscle, also supplies the lacrimal gland.
  • Orbital Fat: The lateral rectus is surrounded by orbital fat, which cushions the muscle and allows for smooth, frictionless movement within the orbit as it contracts and relaxes.
  • Superior and Inferior Rectus Muscles: While the lateral rectus is primarily involved in horizontal eye movement, it is closely related to the superior and inferior rectus muscles, which control vertical movements. These muscles, along with the lateral rectus, work together to coordinate complex gaze shifts.

Fascial Check Ligaments

The lateral rectus muscle is supported by check ligaments, which are specialized fascial bands that attach the muscle to the lateral wall of the orbit. These ligaments limit excessive lateral movement of the eye, ensuring that the muscle does not over-rotate the globe. The lateral check ligament, in particular, prevents the lateral rectus from pulling the eye too far outward. This helps maintain the stability and alignment of the eye during movements.


The lateral rectus muscle plays a critical role in controlling the horizontal movements of the eye, allowing for coordinated visual tracking and gaze shifts. Its actions are essential for maintaining a wide range of ocular motion and ensuring proper alignment of the eyes. Below is a detailed explanation of the lateral rectus muscle’s functions.

Abduction (Outward Movement of the Eye)

The primary function of the lateral rectus muscle is abduction, which refers to the outward movement of the eye, away from the midline or nose. When the lateral rectus contracts, it pulls the eye laterally (toward the ear), allowing the eye to rotate outward. This movement is critical for expanding the field of vision and focusing on objects located toward the periphery of the visual field.

Abduction is essential for activities such as:

  • Looking to the side: When the eye needs to focus on an object located laterally, such as when scanning a room or reading a sign to the side.
  • Binocular Vision: In coordination with the medial rectus of the opposite eye, abduction allows for convergence and divergence of the eyes, helping both eyes to move in opposite directions (one abducting and one adducting) to maintain a single visual focus on an object.

Coordination with the Medial Rectus Muscle

The lateral rectus works in direct opposition to the medial rectus muscle, which is responsible for adduction (inward movement of the eye). Together, these two muscles allow for smooth, coordinated horizontal eye movements. This coordinated action is necessary for maintaining proper alignment of the eyes and enabling conjugate gaze, where both eyes move in the same direction at the same time.

For example:

  • Looking to the left: The left eye’s lateral rectus contracts to pull the eye outward, while the right eye’s medial rectus contracts to pull the right eye inward, ensuring both eyes move in unison to maintain a single point of focus.
  • Looking to the right: The right eye’s lateral rectus contracts while the left eye’s medial rectus contracts, again allowing for coordinated eye movements.

The balance between the lateral and medial rectus muscles is essential for horizontal gaze and preventing conditions like strabismus (misalignment of the eyes).

Supporting Binocular Vision

The lateral rectus muscle is essential for binocular vision, which is the ability to use both eyes to create a single, three-dimensional image. By allowing the eyes to move outward in opposite directions, the lateral rectus muscle helps align the visual axes of both eyes, ensuring they are focused on the same object. Proper binocular vision allows for:

  • Depth perception: The ability to perceive the relative distance of objects in the environment.
  • Visual accuracy: The ability to maintain focus on a single object while the head or body moves.

If the lateral rectus muscle does not function properly, it can lead to conditions such as diplopia (double vision), where the eyes are unable to align properly, resulting in two separate images.

Stabilization of the Eye in Primary Gaze

Even when the eye is in a neutral or primary gaze position (looking straight ahead), the lateral rectus muscle contributes to maintaining the eye’s position. While at rest, the lateral rectus muscle works in harmony with the other extraocular muscles to keep the eye stable and centered in the orbit, preventing unwanted drifting or misalignment. This stabilization is particularly important for keeping the eye steady during subtle head or body movements.

Facilitating Smooth Pursuit Movements

The lateral rectus muscle is involved in smooth pursuit eye movements, which allow the eye to smoothly track moving objects. For example, when watching a car pass by, the lateral rectus helps move the eye outward to follow the car’s motion. This function is important for maintaining clear, continuous vision of a moving target without the eye having to make jerky or abrupt shifts.

Involvement in Saccadic Eye Movements

The lateral rectus muscle also plays a role in saccadic eye movements, which are rapid, involuntary movements of the eye from one point to another. Saccades are essential for tasks such as reading or quickly scanning the environment. The lateral rectus muscle helps the eye quickly move outward during saccades, ensuring the visual focus shifts efficiently between objects or points in the visual field.

Maintaining Peripheral Vision

The lateral rectus muscle enhances peripheral vision by allowing the eye to turn outward, thereby expanding the field of view. This outward movement increases the range of what can be seen without turning the head, which is crucial for activities such as driving, sports, and any task that requires situational awareness. Peripheral vision is important for detecting motion and changes in the environment, and the lateral rectus muscle enables this by controlling lateral gaze.

Supporting the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (VOR)

The lateral rectus muscle is involved in the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), which stabilizes the eye during head movements. This reflex ensures that the eyes maintain a steady gaze on a target even when the head moves. For example, when turning the head to the right, the VOR causes the lateral rectus of the left eye to contract, moving the eye outward to counterbalance the head movement and keep the visual field stable. This reflex is critical for maintaining visual clarity during activities like walking or running.

Clinical Significance

The lateral rectus muscle is clinically significant due to its role in controlling the outward movement (abduction) of the eye. Dysfunction of this muscle is commonly associated with lateral rectus palsy, which is typically caused by damage to the abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI). This condition results in the inability to move the eye outward, leading to esotropia (inward turning of the eye) and horizontal diplopia (double vision).

Lateral rectus palsy may be caused by trauma, vascular conditions, tumors, or inflammatory diseases affecting the abducens nerve. Patients with this condition often experience difficulty in maintaining proper eye alignment, leading to compensatory head movements, such as turning the head toward the affected side to improve visual alignment.

Treatment may include prism glasses to correct double vision, eye muscle exercises, or surgical intervention to correct misalignment, depending on the severity of the dysfunction. Early detection is essential to prevent long-term visual complications.

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