Hepatic veins

Medically Reviewed by Anatomy Team

The hepatic veins are a group of large veins responsible for draining deoxygenated blood from the liver into the inferior vena cava (IVC). There are typically three major hepatic veins: the right, middle, and left hepatic veins, which emerge from the posterior surface of the liver. They are located in the upper right abdomen, with the right hepatic vein draining the right lobe of the liver, and the middle and left hepatic veins draining the central and left lobes, respectively. These veins pass through the posterior aspect of the liver and empty into the IVC, just below the diaphragm.

Structure and Anatomy


The hepatic veins originate within the liver parenchyma, where they collect deoxygenated blood from the central veins of the liver lobules. Each liver lobule is drained by small tributary veins, which converge to form larger intralobular veins. These intralobular veins merge to form the right, middle, and left hepatic veins, which drain blood from different lobes of the liver. These veins eventually transport blood from the liver back to the systemic circulation via the inferior vena cava (IVC).

Major Hepatic Veins

There are typically three major hepatic veins that are responsible for draining the liver:

  • Right Hepatic Vein: The right hepatic vein is the largest of the hepatic veins and drains the right lobe of the liver. It collects venous blood from segments V, VI, VII, and VIII of the liver and runs posteriorly through the right lobe before joining the IVC. The right hepatic vein courses laterally and exits the liver at its posterior aspect, where it terminates directly into the IVC.
  • Middle Hepatic Vein: The middle hepatic vein runs between the right and left lobes of the liver, draining the central parts of the liver, including segments IV, V, and VIII. This vein often runs parallel to the falciform ligament (a structure dividing the right and left lobes) and courses posteriorly toward the IVC. The middle hepatic vein may join the left hepatic vein before emptying into the IVC or drain independently.
  • Left Hepatic Vein: The left hepatic vein drains the left lobe of the liver, including segments II, III, and IV. It runs along the left lateral side of the liver, passing through the liver parenchyma before reaching the IVC. In many cases, the left hepatic vein joins the middle hepatic vein before draining into the IVC, although it can sometimes empty directly into the IVC on its own.


The hepatic veins course through the posterior aspect of the liver as they travel toward the IVC. After forming from the convergence of smaller tributary veins within the liver, the right, middle, and left hepatic veins exit the liver at the bare area (the portion of the liver not covered by the peritoneum). From there, the hepatic veins run a short distance before they terminate in the IVC.

The hepatic veins pass through the superior posterior region of the liver, moving through the hepatic parenchyma. The veins are generally located just inferior to the diaphragm, as they approach the IVC.


The hepatic veins terminate by emptying into the inferior vena cava (IVC). The IVC runs along the posterior surface of the liver and lies directly adjacent to the liver parenchyma, receiving the hepatic veins just below the diaphragm. The right hepatic vein usually drains into the IVC independently, while the middle and left hepatic veins often join together before entering the IVC as a single vessel. The precise termination points may vary slightly among individuals, but the hepatic veins consistently drain into the IVC at the level of the superior posterior liver.


In addition to the main hepatic veins, several smaller veins may contribute to the venous drainage of the liver, including:

  • Caudate Lobe Tributaries: The caudate lobe of the liver, which is anatomically distinct from the right and left lobes, has its own smaller venous tributaries that drain directly into the IVC rather than the major hepatic veins.
  • Accessory Hepatic Veins: In some individuals, accessory hepatic veins may be present. These are smaller veins that provide additional venous drainage to certain liver segments and may empty directly into the IVC or join the main hepatic veins.

Relationship with Surrounding Structures

  • Inferior Vena Cava (IVC): The hepatic veins drain directly into the inferior vena cava, which runs along the posterior surface of the liver. The close relationship between the hepatic veins and the IVC is crucial for efficient venous return from the liver to the heart.
  • Liver Segments: The hepatic veins play a vital role in dividing the liver into functional segments, based on their course through the liver tissue. The right hepatic vein separates the right liver lobe from the middle portion, while the left hepatic vein demarcates the left lobe. The middle hepatic vein lies between the right and left lobes of the liver.
  • Diaphragm: The hepatic veins run just inferior to the diaphragm, near the hepatic dome. The close proximity of the diaphragm to the termination points of the hepatic veins highlights the relationship between the liver and the respiratory system, as diaphragmatic movement may influence venous return from the hepatic veins.
  • Portal Vein System: The hepatic veins are distinct from the portal vein, which delivers nutrient-rich blood from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver. The portal vein enters the liver at the porta hepatis, while the hepatic veins exit the liver at the posterior surface. These two systems are separate, with the portal vein carrying blood into the liver for processing, and the hepatic veins carrying processed, deoxygenated blood away from the liver into the systemic circulation.


Anatomical variations in the hepatic veins are common, with the number, size, and course of the veins varying between individuals. Some individuals may have additional accessory hepatic veins, which provide extra venous drainage from specific liver segments. Variations in the confluence of the middle and left hepatic veins are also common, with some individuals having a single trunk formed by these two veins before they enter the IVC.


The hepatic veins play a crucial role in the circulatory system, specifically related to the liver. They are responsible for draining deoxygenated, processed blood from the liver and returning it to the systemic circulation through the inferior vena cava (IVC). Below is a detailed explanation of the specific functions of the hepatic veins.

Venous Drainage of the Liver

The primary function of the hepatic veins is to drain deoxygenated blood from the liver, which has been processed by the liver’s metabolic activities. The liver receives blood from two major sources: the hepatic artery, which supplies oxygenated blood, and the portal vein, which brings nutrient-rich blood from the gastrointestinal tract for processing. The liver filters and metabolizes this blood, extracting nutrients, detoxifying harmful substances, and regulating glucose levels. Once this processing is complete, the deoxygenated and metabolized blood needs to be removed, and the hepatic veins serve this function by draining blood from the liver tissue.

Blood collected in the central veins of the liver lobules flows into the larger tributaries of the hepatic veins, which eventually merge into the major hepatic veins (right, middle, and left). These major veins transport the blood to the IVC, from where it is returned to the heart.

Returning Processed Blood to Systemic Circulation

The hepatic veins play a critical role in returning blood that has been metabolized by the liver back to the systemic circulation. After the liver processes nutrients, toxins, and other substances, the blood is drained into the hepatic veins, which carry it to the inferior vena cava. This is essential for maintaining the flow of blood through the liver and ensuring that metabolized products, such as glucose, proteins, and other biomolecules, can enter the bloodstream and reach the rest of the body.

Additionally, by clearing deoxygenated blood from the liver, the hepatic veins help maintain the balance between inflow and outflow within the liver’s vascular system, ensuring that the liver does not become congested with blood and can continue its critical metabolic and detoxification functions.

Venous Drainage of the Right, Left, and Middle Lobes

Each of the three main hepatic veins (right, middle, and left) has specific responsibilities in draining different sections of the liver:

  • Right Hepatic Vein: The right hepatic vein drains the right lobe of the liver. This portion of the liver is involved in a wide range of metabolic activities, including glucose storage, bile production, and detoxification of chemicals. The right hepatic vein ensures that blood from these areas is efficiently removed and transported to the systemic circulation.
  • Middle Hepatic Vein: The middle hepatic vein is responsible for draining blood from the central portion of the liver, including segments V and VIII. This central region is metabolically active and plays a key role in processing blood from the portal circulation. The middle hepatic vein helps regulate blood flow through the middle portions of the liver and ensures that blood is cleared once processing is complete.
  • Left Hepatic Vein: The left hepatic vein drains blood from the left lobe of the liver, which also participates in critical metabolic functions, including bile production and glucose regulation. The left hepatic vein transports processed blood from this region into the systemic circulation.

Regulation of Venous Pressure in the Liver

The hepatic veins help to regulate venous pressure within the liver, maintaining a balance between blood inflow (via the hepatic artery and portal vein) and outflow (via the hepatic veins). If there is an imbalance between blood entering the liver and blood leaving it, venous pressure within the liver can rise, leading to conditions such as portal hypertension. By providing an efficient pathway for deoxygenated blood to leave the liver, the hepatic veins prevent the buildup of pressure and help maintain normal liver function.

Facilitating Bile Flow

Although the hepatic veins do not directly transport bile, they play a supportive role in ensuring proper blood flow within the liver, which indirectly supports the production and transport of bile. Bile is produced by hepatocytes (liver cells) and transported to the gallbladder and small intestine for digestion. By ensuring that deoxygenated blood is drained efficiently, the hepatic veins allow liver cells to function properly, including their role in bile production. Adequate venous drainage helps avoid congestion in the liver, which could otherwise impede bile secretion and flow.

Support for Collateral Circulation

In cases of venous obstruction, such as liver cirrhosis or portal vein thrombosis, the hepatic veins can become part of a system of collateral circulation. Collateral circulation refers to the development of alternate pathways for blood to return to the heart when normal venous pathways are blocked or impaired. While the hepatic veins are primarily responsible for draining the liver, in certain pathological conditions, they may help redirect blood flow to maintain overall circulation and prevent venous congestion within the liver.

Clinical Significance

The hepatic veins are crucial for draining deoxygenated, processed blood from the liver into the inferior vena cava (IVC), and their dysfunction can lead to several serious clinical conditions:

Budd-Chiari Syndrome

One of the most notable conditions affecting the hepatic veins is Budd-Chiari syndrome, which occurs due to the obstruction or thrombosis of the hepatic veins. This condition leads to venous congestion in the liver, resulting in hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdomen), and severe abdominal pain. Budd-Chiari syndrome can impair liver function and may lead to liver failure if not treated promptly.

Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension

In cases of cirrhosis, the hepatic veins may be involved due to the fibrotic changes within the liver. These changes increase the resistance to blood flow through the liver, leading to portal hypertension. While portal hypertension primarily affects the portal vein, the hepatic veins can also experience increased pressure, leading to congestion and worsening liver dysfunction.

Liver Surgery and Transplantation

The hepatic veins are critical structures during liver surgeries and liver transplants, as they must be carefully managed to ensure proper venous drainage of the liver. Damage or mismanagement of these veins during surgery can lead to significant complications, including hemorrhage and impaired liver function.

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