Vorticose veins

Medically Reviewed by Anatomy Team

The vorticose veins, also known as vortex veins, are a group of veins located in the choroid layer of the eye, which is the vascular layer between the retina and the sclera. These veins are responsible for draining blood from the choroid and other parts of the eye’s uveal tract, including the iris and ciliary body. The vorticose veins originate from the choroid and exit the eye through the sclera, typically four or five in number, located at specific positions around the eye. They drain into the superior and inferior ophthalmic veins, which then transport the blood to larger venous systems. These veins are critical in maintaining proper venous drainage within the eye.

Structure and Anatomy


The vorticose veins, also known as vortex veins, are located in the choroid of the eye, which is the vascular layer lying between the retina and sclera. These veins drain venous blood from the choroid, part of the uveal tract of the eye, and are distributed in the posterior part of the eye. The vorticose veins are typically arranged in a circular or spiral pattern, hence the name “vortex” veins, and exit the eye through the sclera.


The vorticose veins have a characteristic vortex-like arrangement in the choroidal layer, with venous tributaries converging toward a central point before exiting the eye. Typically, there are four or five vortex veins in each eye, with their distribution being roughly evenly spaced around the equator of the eye. These veins are classified into superior and inferior groups, depending on their position relative to the horizontal axis of the eye.

Each vorticose vein is formed by smaller tributary veins that collect blood from the surrounding choroidal vasculature. The vortex pattern of the veins ensures that blood is efficiently drained from the choroid, where oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the retina and the underlying tissues.

Number and Distribution

In most individuals, there are four to five vorticose veins in each eye, generally positioned in the following regions:

  • Two superior vortex veins, located in the superior temporal and superior nasal quadrants of the eye.
  • Two inferior vortex veins, located in the inferior temporal and inferior nasal quadrants.
  • In some cases, there may be a fifth vein located in the posterior pole of the eye, but this varies among individuals.

These veins are distributed around the equator of the eye, where they emerge from the choroid and penetrate the sclera at relatively regular intervals. Their positions are consistent enough to serve as anatomical landmarks during eye surgery or examination.


The vorticose veins originate within the choroidal layer of the eye, where they collect venous blood from the choroid, the ciliary body, and the iris. From the choroid, smaller venous tributaries converge to form the main vortex veins. These veins spiral towards the sclera, where they pierce through the outermost layer of the eye at approximately the equatorial region.

After passing through the sclera, the vorticose veins exit the globe and enter the orbit, where they drain into the larger venous system. The superior vorticose veins drain into the superior ophthalmic vein, while the inferior vorticose veins drain into the inferior ophthalmic vein. From these ophthalmic veins, the blood is transported toward the cavernous sinus or the pterygoid venous plexus.


  • Anterior relations: Anteriorly, the vorticose veins are related to the ciliary body and the anterior choroid. These veins also collect blood from the iris and the structures involved in aqueous humor dynamics.
  • Posterior relations: Posteriorly, the vorticose veins are closely related to the sclera, the tough outer layer of the eye that they pierce as they exit the globe.
  • Lateral relations: The vorticose veins are situated laterally to the optic nerve, particularly in the posterior part of the eye. They maintain a close relationship with the posterior ciliary arteries and other vascular structures in the orbit.
  • Medial relations: Medially, the vortex veins are associated with the central retinal vein and its branches, although the drainage territories of these venous systems are distinct.


The vorticose veins terminate by draining into the superior ophthalmic vein or the inferior ophthalmic vein, depending on their position in the eye. The superior vorticose veins connect to the superior ophthalmic vein, which drains blood from the upper part of the orbit into the cavernous sinus. The inferior vorticose veins connect to the inferior ophthalmic vein, which also drains into the cavernous sinus or the pterygoid venous plexus.

Once venous blood is drained from the eye via the vortex veins, it is transported to the larger venous systems of the head and neck, eventually returning to the heart through the internal jugular veins.


The anatomy of the vorticose veins can exhibit variations in terms of the number and distribution of the veins. While most individuals have four or five vortex veins, some may have fewer or additional veins, depending on individual anatomical differences. The pattern of convergence and the position at which the veins pierce the sclera can also vary slightly between individuals.

In some cases, there may be asymmetry between the right and left eyes in terms of the number or positioning of the vorticose veins. Additionally, the size of the veins and the venous tributaries may vary, which could influence how blood is drained from the choroidal layer.


Venous Drainage of the Choroid

The primary function of the vorticose veins is to drain venous blood from the choroid, the vascular layer of the eye located between the retina and sclera. The choroid is rich in blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the outer layers of the retina, specifically the retinal pigment epithelium and the photoreceptors. After delivering oxygen and nutrients, blood from the choroid must be efficiently drained to prevent congestion and maintain normal eye pressure. The vorticose veins collect this deoxygenated blood from the choroidal capillary network and channel it toward larger venous systems.

Drainage from the Uveal Tract

In addition to draining the choroid, the vorticose veins also collect venous blood from other components of the uveal tract, including the ciliary body and the iris. The uveal tract plays a key role in producing aqueous humor, regulating light entering the eye, and maintaining intraocular pressure. By draining venous blood from the ciliary body, the vorticose veins help regulate fluid dynamics in the eye and prevent the buildup of excess blood that could disrupt the production and drainage of aqueous humor. Blood from the iris, which controls the size of the pupil, is also drained by these veins, helping maintain the health of the anterior part of the eye.

Maintenance of Intraocular Pressure

One of the important roles of the vorticose veins is in the maintenance of intraocular pressure (IOP). The eye requires a delicate balance between the production and drainage of fluids, such as aqueous humor, to maintain a stable internal pressure. If venous drainage through the vorticose veins is compromised, it could lead to increased pressure within the eye, potentially resulting in conditions like glaucoma. By providing an efficient venous outflow from the choroid and uveal tract, the vorticose veins help regulate IOP and ensure that the internal environment of the eye remains stable.

Removal of Metabolic Waste

The vorticose veins play a critical role in the removal of metabolic waste products from the tissues they drain. As the choroid, ciliary body, and iris are metabolically active tissues, they produce waste products that need to be efficiently removed to prevent tissue damage. The vorticose veins collect this waste-laden venous blood and transport it to larger venous structures, where it can be filtered and processed. By facilitating the removal of metabolic byproducts, the vorticose veins help maintain the health and proper function of the eye’s vascular tissues.

Prevention of Venous Congestion

The vorticose veins are essential in preventing venous congestion in the eye, particularly within the choroid. The choroid is one of the most highly vascularized tissues in the body, and any disruption in venous outflow can lead to a buildup of blood within the choroid, causing swelling or increased pressure. This congestion could impair the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the retina, leading to visual disturbances or damage. The vorticose veins ensure a continuous and smooth outflow of venous blood, preventing the accumulation of blood in the choroid and maintaining normal ocular function.

Venous Return to Systemic Circulation

Once the vorticose veins collect venous blood from the choroid, iris, and ciliary body, they channel this blood toward the superior and inferior ophthalmic veins, which then transport it to larger venous structures like the cavernous sinus or pterygoid venous plexus. This process is part of the systemic circulation, in which deoxygenated blood is eventually returned to the heart to be reoxygenated. By participating in this venous return, the vorticose veins ensure that blood from the eye is efficiently reintegrated into the body’s overall circulatory system.

Adaptation to Changes in Intraocular and Intracranial Pressure

The vorticose veins have the ability to adapt to fluctuations in intraocular pressure and intracranial pressure. During certain activities, such as coughing, sneezing, or straining, pressure within the eye or cranial cavity can temporarily increase. The vorticose veins help manage these changes by accommodating variations in venous outflow, ensuring that the eye’s internal environment remains stable and that venous blood is not trapped within the choroid or uveal tract. This adaptability is essential for maintaining proper venous drainage under changing pressure conditions.

Communication with the Anterior Venous System

The vorticose veins also play a role in communicating with the anterior venous system of the eye, particularly with the veins that drain the anterior segment. By ensuring efficient venous outflow from the posterior and middle portions of the eye, the vorticose veins contribute to overall ocular circulation, preventing venous congestion in the anterior segment. This communication is vital for maintaining a balanced distribution of venous blood within the eye and ensuring that all parts of the eye are properly drained.

Protection Against Choroidal Effusion

In cases of trauma, inflammation, or certain systemic conditions, the choroid can become swollen with excess fluid, a condition known as choroidal effusion. The vorticose veins play a role in protecting against this condition by ensuring that venous blood and fluid are drained efficiently from the choroid. If the vorticose veins are unable to handle the volume of blood or fluid within the choroid, the resulting effusion could compress the retina and lead to visual impairment. By maintaining proper venous outflow, the vorticose veins help prevent choroidal effusion and protect the retina from damage.

Regulation of Blood Flow in the Choroid

The vorticose veins are involved in the regulation of blood flow within the choroid, ensuring that oxygenated blood is delivered to the outer retina while deoxygenated blood is quickly removed. This regulation is important because the choroid plays a key role in nourishing the photoreceptors, which are responsible for capturing light and initiating the process of vision. By managing blood flow in the choroid, the vorticose veins help maintain the health of the retina and ensure that visual processing remains efficient and undisturbed.

Clinical Significance

The vorticose veins are clinically significant due to their essential role in draining venous blood from the choroid and other structures of the uveal tract in the eye. Any disruption in the function of these veins can lead to serious ocular conditions. For example, increased intraocular pressure or venous congestion in the vorticose veins can contribute to the development of glaucoma, a condition that can lead to vision loss due to optic nerve damage.

The vorticose veins are also important in cases of choroidal effusion, where excessive fluid accumulation in the choroid can occur due to trauma, inflammation, or certain systemic diseases. In surgical procedures involving the eye, such as scleral buckling or retinal detachment surgery, care must be taken to avoid damaging the vorticose veins, as this could lead to complications like choroidal hemorrhage.

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