Superior ophthalmic vein

Medically Reviewed by Anatomy Team

The superior ophthalmic vein is a major venous structure in the orbit, responsible for draining deoxygenated blood from the eye, surrounding structures, and parts of the face. It forms from a confluence of smaller veins, including the angular vein and the anterior ethmoidal veins, and is critical in venous drainage from the eye and orbit.


The superior ophthalmic vein originates in the anterior part of the orbit and courses backward toward the superior orbital fissure, an opening in the sphenoid bone. It passes through this fissure to exit the orbit and drains into the cavernous sinus, located at the base of the skull. Positioned above the optic nerve, it runs parallel to the superior orbital artery within the orbit.

Structure and Anatomy


The superior ophthalmic vein originates near the front of the orbit as a confluence of smaller veins. These include the angular vein, which collects blood from the medial canthus (inner corner of the eye), and tributaries such as the anterior ethmoidal vein, which drains the ethmoid sinuses. The formation of the superior ophthalmic vein typically occurs near the upper margin of the orbital cavity, at the junction of the facial and orbital venous drainage systems.

Course Within the Orbit

Once formed, the superior ophthalmic vein travels posteriorly through the orbit. It runs alongside the superior rectus muscle and follows the same course as the ophthalmic artery, which lies parallel to it. The vein is located above the optic nerve, running through the upper part of the orbital cavity. Along its path, it collects blood from several important orbital structures, including the superior rectus muscle, superior oblique muscle, lacrimal gland, and portions of the globe (eyeball).

Relationship to Other Orbital Structures

The superior ophthalmic vein is situated above the optic nerve and is closely associated with the extraocular muscles, especially the superior rectus and superior oblique muscles. It also passes near the trochlea, a fibrous structure that guides the superior oblique muscle. The vein runs in close proximity to the superior orbital artery, following the same trajectory through the orbit. As it moves toward the posterior part of the orbit, it travels through the superior orbital fissure, an important anatomical gap between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone.


Throughout its course, the superior ophthalmic vein receives multiple tributaries, which contribute to its venous drainage:

  • Anterior Ethmoidal Vein: Drains the ethmoid sinuses and joins the superior ophthalmic vein in the anterior part of the orbit.
  • Posterior Ethmoidal Vein: Another vein draining the ethmoid sinuses and contributing to the superior ophthalmic vein’s drainage.
  • Muscular Branches: Veins from the extraocular muscles, including the superior rectus and superior oblique muscles, drain into the superior ophthalmic vein.
  • Lacrimal Vein: Drains the lacrimal gland, which produces tears, and empties into the superior ophthalmic vein.
  • Vorticose Veins: These veins drain the choroid, a vascular layer of the eye, and contribute venous blood to the superior ophthalmic vein.

Exit Through the Superior Orbital Fissure

As the superior ophthalmic vein approaches the posterior part of the orbit, it passes through the superior orbital fissure, an anatomical gap in the sphenoid bone. This fissure serves as the exit point for the vein from the orbit and is also the passageway for other important structures, such as the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V1) and the oculomotor nerve (CN III). The superior ophthalmic vein passes through the superior orbital fissure to reach the intracranial space.

Drainage into the Cavernous Sinus

After passing through the superior orbital fissure, the superior ophthalmic vein drains directly into the cavernous sinus, a large venous sinus located at the base of the skull, surrounding the pituitary gland. The cavernous sinus collects blood from the orbit, face, and brain and serves as an important structure in cranial venous drainage. The superior ophthalmic vein’s drainage into the cavernous sinus is crucial for the return of deoxygenated blood from the orbit to the central venous system.

Anatomical Variations

The superior ophthalmic vein can exhibit anatomical variations, particularly in its size and the number of tributaries it receives. In some individuals, the superior ophthalmic vein may be larger or more prominent, while in others, it may be supplemented by the inferior ophthalmic vein in orbital venous drainage. Additionally, the course of the vein may vary slightly, depending on individual differences in orbital anatomy.


Venous Drainage of the Orbit

The primary function of the superior ophthalmic vein is to drain deoxygenated blood from the structures of the orbit, which include the eyeball, extraocular muscles, and orbital fat. The vein collects blood from various tributaries, including smaller veins that drain the muscles, the globe, and surrounding tissues, ensuring that venous blood leaves the orbit efficiently. This drainage prevents blood stagnation and helps maintain the normal function of the eye and its surrounding structures.

Drainage of the Eyeball

The superior ophthalmic vein drains blood from the eyeball through its connection with the vorticose veins, which are responsible for collecting venous blood from the choroid, a vascular layer of the eye responsible for supplying blood to the retina. This function is critical for the removal of metabolic waste products from the eye’s vascular system, helping to maintain the health of the retina and other ocular tissues.

Collection of Blood from Extraocular Muscles

The superior ophthalmic vein plays a crucial role in draining blood from the extraocular muscles, such as the superior rectus and superior oblique muscles. These muscles control the movements of the eyeball, and the removal of deoxygenated blood from these muscles allows for proper circulation and oxygenation, ensuring optimal muscle function during eye movement.

Drainage from the Lacrimal Gland

The superior ophthalmic vein also collects blood from the lacrimal vein, which drains the lacrimal gland. The lacrimal gland is responsible for producing tears, and venous drainage from this gland is necessary for the removal of metabolic byproducts, ensuring the gland’s proper function in tear production and eye lubrication.

Connection with the Ethmoidal Sinus Drainage

Through its tributaries, such as the anterior and posterior ethmoidal veins, the superior ophthalmic vein helps drain blood from the ethmoid sinuses, located within the ethmoid bone. These sinuses are important in filtering and humidifying inhaled air. The venous blood from the mucosa of the ethmoidal sinuses is carried to the superior ophthalmic vein, contributing to the overall drainage of the sinus region.

Maintenance of Intraorbital Pressure

The superior ophthalmic vein plays a role in maintaining proper intraorbital pressure by ensuring efficient venous drainage from the orbit. Any blockage or impairment in this vein could lead to increased pressure within the orbital cavity, potentially leading to conditions like proptosis (eye bulging) or orbital congestion. By allowing a steady outflow of venous blood, the superior ophthalmic vein helps regulate pressure within the orbit, maintaining normal ocular and orbital function.

Pathway for Venous Blood to Reach the Cavernous Sinus

One of the most important functions of the superior ophthalmic vein is to provide a direct pathway for venous blood from the orbit to reach the cavernous sinus, a large venous sinus located at the base of the skull. After collecting blood from various structures within the orbit, the superior ophthalmic vein exits the orbit through the superior orbital fissure and drains directly into the cavernous sinus. This connection is crucial for central venous drainage, as the cavernous sinus collects blood from several cranial structures, including the orbit, face, and brain, and transports it to the internal jugular vein.

Temperature Regulation in the Orbit

The venous blood drained by the superior ophthalmic vein contributes to the regulation of temperature in the orbital tissues. By removing warm, deoxygenated blood from the orbit, the superior ophthalmic vein helps maintain a stable temperature within the eye and surrounding structures, which is necessary for optimal function. Temperature regulation in the orbit is particularly important for delicate structures such as the retina and optic nerve.

Prevention of Venous Congestion

The superior ophthalmic vein ensures that venous blood is efficiently removed from the orbit, preventing venous congestion or pooling. If blood were to stagnate within the orbit, it could result in increased pressure or even the risk of venous thrombosis (blood clots). The superior ophthalmic vein’s role in maintaining proper venous outflow prevents such complications and helps protect the health of the eye and its surrounding structures.

Communication with the Facial Vein System

The superior ophthalmic vein communicates with the facial vein system, particularly through its connections with the angular vein, which drains blood from the nose and the medial aspect of the eyelids. This communication ensures that venous blood from the face, especially the medial canthus, nasal bridge, and forehead, can flow into the orbital venous system and eventually into the cavernous sinus. This connection also contributes to the balanced venous outflow between the superficial facial veins and the deeper orbital veins.

Role in Lymphatic and Immune Responses

While primarily a venous structure, the superior ophthalmic vein indirectly supports the lymphatic system by aiding in the removal of fluid and waste products from the orbital tissues. Efficient venous drainage helps maintain the proper balance of interstitial fluid, supporting the lymphatic drainage system and preventing fluid accumulation (edema) in the orbital tissues. Additionally, in cases of infection or inflammation, the superior ophthalmic vein helps remove byproducts of immune responses, assisting in the resolution of orbital or sinus infections.

Clinical Significance

The superior ophthalmic vein is clinically significant due to its role in venous drainage from the orbit to the cavernous sinus and its connections with other facial and orbital structures.

  • Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis: The superior ophthalmic vein drains directly into the cavernous sinus, making it a potential route for the spread of infections, particularly from the face, nasal cavity, or sinuses. Infections, such as sinusitis or orbital cellulitis, can lead to cavernous sinus thrombosis, a life-threatening condition characterized by blood clots in the cavernous sinus, causing symptoms like severe headache, eye pain, double vision, and fever.
  • Orbital Diseases: The superior ophthalmic vein is often involved in conditions like orbital cellulitis, proptosis (eye bulging), and orbital varices (dilated veins in the orbit), which can occur when the venous outflow is impaired. Such conditions may lead to increased intraorbital pressure, causing vision issues, eye swelling, and pain.
  • Surgical and Imaging Importance: In orbital surgeries, particularly for conditions like tumors or trauma, the superior ophthalmic vein is a critical structure to be considered due to its proximity to key orbital and cranial structures. It is also a landmark in imaging studies, such as CT or MRI, to assess venous flow and detect pathologies like thrombosis or vascular malformations.

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