
Medically Reviewed by Anatomy Team

Oligodendrocytes are a type of glial cell in the central nervous system (CNS) that are primarily responsible for the formation and maintenance of myelin sheaths around neurons. Myelin sheaths are essential for the rapid transmission of electrical impulses along nerve fibers, facilitating efficient communication between different parts of the CNS. Oligodendrocytes play a critical role in neural function and health, supporting the integrity and speed of neural transmissions.


Oligodendrocytes can be classified based on their location and function:

  • Myelinating Oligodendrocytes: These cells are responsible for the production and maintenance of myelin in the CNS. They extend their processes to wrap around the axons of neurons, forming the myelin sheath.
  • Non-myelinating Oligodendrocytes: Found in the gray matter of the CNS, these oligodendrocytes do not form myelin but are thought to play roles in support and protection of neurons.


The development of oligodendrocytes involves several stages:

  1. Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells (OPCs): These precursor cells, also known as NG2 cells, proliferate and migrate throughout the CNS to reach their final destinations.
  2. Differentiation: OPCs differentiate into immature oligodendrocytes, which then mature into myelinating oligodendrocytes under the influence of various signaling molecules and environmental factors.
  3. Myelination: Mature oligodendrocytes extend their membrane processes to axons, wrapping them to form the myelin sheath. Each oligodendrocyte can myelinate multiple axons, enhancing the speed of electrical impulse conduction.

The process of oligodendrocyte development is crucial for proper CNS function and is a focus of research, especially in the context of diseases like multiple sclerosis, where myelin is damaged.


Oligodendrocytes are multifunctional glial cells in the central nervous system (CNS) with several crucial roles:


The primary function of oligodendrocytes is to produce and maintain the myelin sheath, a fatty layer that wraps around the axons of neurons. This myelination process is vital for:

  • Speeding up Neural Transmission: Myelin increases the speed at which electrical impulses (action potentials) travel along the neuron’s axon. This is achieved through saltatory conduction, where the electrical signal jumps from one node of Ranvier (gaps in the myelin sheath) to another.
  • Insulation of Axons: Myelin acts as an insulator, preventing electrical signals from leaking out of the axon. This insulation ensures that the signals remain strong and travel efficiently.

Support and Nutrition

Oligodendrocytes provide support and nutrition to neurons:

  • Metabolic Support: They supply essential nutrients and metabolic support to neurons, helping maintain their health and functionality.
  • Axonal Survival and Function: By insulating axons, oligodendrocytes contribute to the overall health and longevity of nerve fibers.

Structural Integrity

Oligodendrocytes contribute to the structural integrity of the CNS:

  • CNS Architecture: They help organize the CNS’s architecture by structuring the spatial arrangement of neurons and their axons.
  • Maintenance of the Extracellular Environment: Oligodendrocytes help maintain the extracellular environment, which is crucial for proper neuronal function.

Neurotransmission Modulation

While their role in modulating neurotransmission is less direct than neurons, oligodendrocytes influence the neuronal environment:

  • Ion Homeostasis: They help regulate the concentrations of ions around neurons, which is essential for the generation and propagation of action potentials.
  • Signaling: Oligodendrocytes may play a role in modulating neuronal signaling through their interactions with other glial cells and neurons.

Response to Injury

Oligodendrocytes respond to CNS injury:

  • Reactive Gliosis: In response to CNS injury, oligodendrocytes can undergo changes that influence the injury’s outcome and the CNS’s repair mechanisms.
  • Scar Formation and CNS Repair: While traditionally seen as inhibitors of neural regeneration due to scar formation, there is ongoing research into their role in repair and recovery processes following injury.

The functions of oligodendrocytes are essential for the proper operation of the CNS, impacting everything from rapid signal transmission to the maintenance of the neuronal environment and response to injury. Their role in myelination particularly underscores their importance in neurological health and disease.

Clinical Significance

  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS): One of the most direct clinical implications of oligodendrocyte pathology is MS, a chronic autoimmune condition characterized by the immune system attacking the myelin sheaths in the CNS. Loss of myelin (demyelination) leads to disrupted nerve signal transmission, resulting in various neurological symptoms. Understanding oligodendrocyte function and regeneration is crucial for developing MS treatments.
  • Neonatal Brain Injuries: Damage to oligodendrocytes is a key component of white matter injury in premature infants, leading to conditions like periventricular leukomalacia (PVL). Research into protecting or replacing damaged oligodendrocytes is critical for addressing developmental delays and other outcomes associated with neonatal brain injuries.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Oligodendrocytes are involved in the response to spinal cord injuries, where their death contributes to loss of myelin and subsequent impairment of motor and sensory functions. Strategies to protect these cells or promote their regeneration are under investigation to improve recovery outcomes.
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases: Beyond MS, oligodendrocyte dysfunction and loss have been implicated in other neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Understanding their role in these conditions can help in identifying new therapeutic targets.
  • Psychiatric Disorders: Emerging research suggests that abnormalities in oligodendrocytes and myelination may be linked to psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia and major depressive disorder. This opens new avenues for understanding the pathophysiology of these conditions and developing novel treatments.
  • Regenerative Medicine and Therapy: The clinical significance of oligodendrocytes extends to regenerative medicine, where stem cell therapies aim to replace damaged oligodendrocytes and restore myelin in various CNS disorders. Advances in this area could lead to groundbreaking treatments for a range of demyelinating diseases.

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