Tibiofibular joint

Medically Reviewed by Anatomy Team

The tibiofibular joint, unlike the knee or hip, doesn’t receive widespread recognition in popular understanding of human anatomy. However, it plays a pivotal role in the structure and function of the leg. The joint refers to the articulation between the tibia and fibula bones, occurring both at the top (proximal) and bottom (distal) of these bones.


The tibiofibular joint is located in the leg, and it consists of:

  • Proximal Tibiofibular Joint: Found below the knee, near the upper aspect of the tibia and fibula.
  • Distal Tibiofibular Joint: Located above the ankle, where the lower ends of the tibia and fibula meet.


Proximal Tibiofibular Joint

  • Type of Joint: Synovial joint with plane-type articulation.
  • Articular Surfaces: The flat facet on the lateral side of the tibia articulates with a similar surface on the fibula’s medial side.
  • Joint Capsule: It is surrounded by a capsule that is reinforced by anterior and posterior ligaments of the joint.

Distal Tibiofibular Joint

  • Type of Joint: Syndesmosis, which means it’s held together by ligaments. It isn’t a synovial joint like the proximal one.
  • Articular Surfaces: The triangular region of the tibia’s medial side fits into the groove on the lateral surface of the fibula.
  • Interosseous Membrane: An important structure connecting the tibia and fibula is the interosseous membrane, a fibrous sheet that provides a union for most of the length of these bones. This isn’t directly part of the joint, but it is vital for the stability of the whole tibiofibular relationship.


  • Stability: One of the primary roles of the tibiofibular joint, especially the syndesmotic joint, is to provide stability to the leg, particularly during weight-bearing activities. It ensures that the forces transmitted from the ankle up to the leg are evenly distributed between the tibia and fibula.
  • Flexibility During Ankle Motion: The slight movement allowed at these joints, especially the proximal one, gives the necessary flexibility and adaptability during ankle movements.
  • Shock Absorption: The relative movement of the tibia and fibula during dynamic activities aids in dispersing forces and serves a minor role in shock absorption.

Clinical significance

The tibiofibular joint, while less commonly cited in clinical issues than major joints like the knee or hip, holds significant relevance in specific clinical scenarios.

Syndesmotic Ankle Sprains:

Often termed “high ankle sprains,” injuries to the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis are a familiar concern for clinicians, especially in athletes. Unlike typical ankle sprains, these involve the ligaments holding the distal tibia and fibula together. They require a more prolonged recovery and can be more complex to treat.

Proximal Tibiofibular Joint Dislocations:

Although rare, the proximal tibiofibular joint can dislocate, often due to trauma, such as sports injuries or motor vehicle accidents. It can be associated with tibial fractures and may be overlooked during initial evaluations. Diagnosis and prompt treatment are crucial to avoid chronic instability or neural complications due to the close proximity of the common peroneal nerve.

Compartment Syndrome:

Injuries to the tibiofibular joint, especially fractures, can contribute to the development of compartment syndrome. The interosseous membrane between the tibia and fibula divides the leg into anterior and posterior compartments. Swelling within these compartments can compromise blood flow and nerve function, necessitating emergent intervention.

Tibiofibular Syndesmosis Tightening or Diastasis:

Occasionally, the tibiofibular syndesmosis can become too tight or too loose (diastasis). This can alter the biomechanics of the ankle joint, leading to pain, instability, and degenerative changes. Surgical interventions, such as syndesmotic screw placement, might be necessary in some of these cases.

Peroneal Nerve Proximity:

The common peroneal nerve winds around the fibular neck near the proximal tibiofibular joint. Any dislocation or trauma to this joint region can potentially injure this nerve, leading to foot drop or sensory disturbances in the leg.

Gait and Biomechanical Implications:

Changes in the integrity or position of the tibiofibular joint can affect the biomechanics of the entire lower limb, leading to altered gait, increased stress on the knee or ankle joints, and secondary musculoskeletal problems.

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