Basal vein

Medically Reviewed by Anatomy Team

The basal vein, also known as the vein of Rosenthal, is a deep cerebral vein that drains blood from several important areas of the brain, including parts of the temporal lobe, midbrain, and insula. It plays a crucial role in venous drainage from the base of the brain and is part of the deep venous system.


The basal vein originates near the anterior perforated substance, a region at the base of the brain, and travels posteriorly along the medial side of the temporal lobe and midbrain. It courses through the lateral aspect of the cerebral peduncle and eventually joins the great cerebral vein (vein of Galen) near the quadrigeminal cistern. The basal vein is located deep within the brain, running in close proximity to the internal carotid artery and cerebral arteries.

Structure and Anatomy


The basal vein, also known as the vein of Rosenthal, begins at the base of the brain, near the anterior perforated substance, a region located between the optic chiasm and the olfactory tract. It is formed by the union of several smaller veins, including the anterior cerebral vein, deep middle cerebral vein, and the striate veins, which drain parts of the deep structures of the brain, such as the temporal lobe and basal ganglia.


The basal vein takes a complex, curving path along the base of the brain. From its origin near the anterior perforated substance, it runs posteriorly and medially, traveling along the medial surface of the temporal lobe. It follows the lateral side of the cerebral peduncle, a bundle of nerve fibers connecting the cerebrum to the brainstem. As it travels toward the back of the brain, the basal vein curves around the midbrain, a central structure that connects the brainstem to the cerebrum.

Relationship to Neighboring Structures

The basal vein is located deep within the brain and runs in close association with several key anatomical structures:

  • Temporal Lobe: The basal vein passes along the medial surface of the temporal lobe, draining the areas associated with auditory processing and memory.
  • Cerebral Peduncle: As the vein moves posteriorly, it closely follows the lateral surface of the cerebral peduncle, a major conduit for motor and sensory information passing between the brainstem and the cerebrum.
  • Midbrain: The basal vein wraps around the midbrain, draining blood from structures such as the tectum, which is involved in visual and auditory reflexes.


The basal vein receives several tributaries along its course:

  • Anterior Cerebral Vein: This vein drains the medial frontal lobes and contributes to the formation of the basal vein.
  • Deep Middle Cerebral Vein: This vein drains the deep structures of the insula and lateral aspects of the brain, and it joins the basal vein as it travels medially.
  • Striate Veins: These veins drain the basal ganglia, an important group of nuclei involved in motor control and regulation. They join the basal vein near its origin.

Termination and Junction with the Great Cerebral Vein

The basal vein ultimately terminates by joining the great cerebral vein (vein of Galen), another major venous structure in the deep venous system. This junction occurs near the quadrigeminal cistern, a fluid-filled space at the back of the brain. The blood collected by the basal vein is then channeled into the straight sinus, a major dural venous sinus that drains venous blood from the deep structures of the brain toward the confluence of sinuses, and eventually into the internal jugular vein.

Venous Communications

The basal vein has important connections with other venous structures within the brain. It communicates with the internal cerebral veins, which drain other deep brain regions, and it also has smaller connections with superficial veins, such as the superficial middle cerebral vein. These connections create a network that facilitates the efficient drainage of blood from both superficial and deep brain structures.

Course through the Subarachnoid Space

As the basal vein runs along the brain’s surface, it passes through the subarachnoid space, a fluid-filled space between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater. This positioning allows the basal vein to be part of the brain’s deep venous system while being cushioned by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the subarachnoid space.

Anatomical Variations

The anatomy of the basal vein can exhibit variations between individuals, particularly in the size, exact course, and the number of tributaries it receives. For example, some individuals may have a more prominent deep middle cerebral vein, while others may have additional smaller tributaries contributing to the basal vein. These variations, though generally not pathological, can affect how the vein appears during imaging studies and may influence surgical approaches in this region.

Position Relative to Cerebral Arteries

The basal vein runs near several important arteries, including the internal carotid artery and the posterior cerebral artery. These arteries supply oxygenated blood to the brain, while the basal vein collects deoxygenated blood. This close association between veins and arteries is crucial for maintaining efficient circulation in the brain, as the veins quickly remove blood after oxygen has been delivered to the tissues by the arteries.


Venous Drainage of the Temporal Lobe

The basal vein plays a crucial role in draining deoxygenated blood from the temporal lobe, particularly from the medial aspects. The temporal lobe is responsible for key brain functions such as memory processing, language comprehension, and auditory perception. The basal vein collects blood from these areas, ensuring that metabolic waste products like carbon dioxide are efficiently removed, maintaining normal cerebral metabolism and tissue health.

Drainage of the Insula and Deep Middle Cerebral Structures

Another key function of the basal vein is to collect blood from the insula and deep middle cerebral regions through its tributary, the deep middle cerebral vein. The insula, buried within the lateral sulcus, plays a role in emotion, consciousness, and homeostasis. By draining the insula and surrounding regions, the basal vein helps regulate blood flow and venous pressure in these deep cerebral areas, preventing venous congestion and maintaining proper function.

Venous Drainage of the Basal Ganglia and Internal Capsule

The basal vein also drains blood from the basal ganglia, a group of nuclei deeply embedded in the brain that are essential for motor control, as well as from the internal capsule, which contains nerve fibers that carry information between the cerebral cortex and the brainstem. The striate veins, which drain these areas, empty into the basal vein. Proper venous drainage from these structures ensures they receive a steady supply of oxygenated blood while effectively removing deoxygenated blood, promoting normal motor and sensory functions.

Drainage of the Midbrain

The basal vein collects venous blood from the midbrain, an essential structure involved in vision, hearing, motor control, sleep/wake regulation, and temperature control. By draining the midbrain, the basal vein ensures that this critical area remains well-supplied with oxygenated blood, while removing deoxygenated blood to prevent the buildup of waste products. This function is crucial for maintaining the midbrain’s vital roles in both sensory and motor pathways.

Choroidal Venous Drainage

The basal vein assists in the venous drainage of the choroid plexus, particularly from the lateral ventricles. The choroid plexus is responsible for producing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which surrounds the brain and spinal cord, providing protection and regulating pressure. By draining the choroid plexus, the basal vein helps maintain the proper balance of CSF production and venous blood removal, ensuring that cerebrospinal fluid flows correctly through the ventricular system and that excess fluid is efficiently removed.

Connection to the Great Cerebral Vein

The basal vein has a critical connection to the great cerebral vein (vein of Galen), where it ultimately drains. This junction provides a pathway for the venous blood from the basal ganglia, temporal lobe, midbrain, and other deep structures to flow into the straight sinus, which then directs blood toward the confluence of sinuses and eventually into the internal jugular vein. This ensures that venous blood from the deep structures of the brain is efficiently transported away from the brain and back into the systemic circulation, maintaining a balance between arterial inflow and venous outflow.

Regulation of Intracranial Pressure

By facilitating the outflow of venous blood from deep brain structures, the basal vein helps regulate intracranial pressure. If venous drainage is obstructed, blood can pool in these regions, increasing pressure within the brain and potentially leading to complications such as cerebral edema or other pressure-related symptoms like headaches and visual disturbances. The basal vein’s function in maintaining proper venous outflow is critical for preventing these issues and ensuring stable intracranial pressure.

Prevention of Venous Congestion

One of the basal vein’s key roles is to prevent venous congestion, which can occur if blood is not efficiently drained from the brain. Venous congestion in the basal ganglia, midbrain, or temporal lobe can result in increased intracranial pressure, impaired blood flow, and damage to neural tissue. The basal vein ensures that blood is continuously drained from these areas, preventing the buildup of pressure and promoting proper cerebral circulation.

Facilitation of Cerebral Metabolism

The basal vein, like other venous structures, is essential for the removal of metabolic waste products from the brain. By draining deoxygenated blood and waste products such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid, the basal vein ensures that the tissues in the midbrain, temporal lobe, and basal ganglia can receive fresh oxygenated blood. This process is vital for maintaining the energy demands of the brain and ensuring that it functions optimally, as the brain requires a constant supply of nutrients to sustain its activities.

Supporting the Lymphatic and Immune Responses

Although the primary role of the basal vein is venous drainage, it indirectly supports the lymphatic system within the brain, often referred to as the glymphatic system. Efficient venous drainage through the basal vein helps clear waste products and immune byproducts from the brain’s deep structures. This process plays a crucial role in maintaining immune surveillance and clearing cellular waste, especially during times of inflammation or injury.

Temperature Regulation

The basal vein, like other venous structures, aids in the regulation of brain temperature by removing warm, deoxygenated blood from the deep structures of the brain and replacing it with cooler, oxygenated blood from the arterial system. This thermoregulation is critical for ensuring that the temperature-sensitive tissues of the brain function optimally and that overheating, which could damage delicate neural tissue, does not occur.

Clinical Significance

The basal vein (vein of Rosenthal) is clinically significant due to its role in draining key deep brain structures such as the temporal lobe, basal ganglia, and midbrain. Any impairment in its function can lead to serious neurological complications.

  • Venous Thrombosis: Blockage or thrombosis of the basal vein can lead to venous congestion and increased intracranial pressure, potentially causing symptoms such as severe headaches, seizures, or even neurological deficits related to the midbrain, temporal lobe, or basal ganglia. This condition requires prompt medical attention to avoid complications such as cerebral edema or hemorrhage.
  • Surgical Considerations: The basal vein’s deep location near critical structures makes it vulnerable during brain surgeries, such as those involving the temporal lobe, basal ganglia, or brainstem. Damage to the vein can lead to significant venous bleeding or postoperative complications, necessitating careful surgical planning.
  • Imaging and Diagnosis: The basal vein is an important structure in diagnostic imaging, especially in cases of suspected venous malformations or stroke. It is often examined using MRI or CT venography to assess blood flow and detect any abnormalities in the deep venous system of the brain.

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