Great cerebral vein

Medically Reviewed by Anatomy Team

The great cerebral vein, also known as the vein of Galen, is a short but critical venous structure in the brain that collects blood from the deep regions of the brain, including the internal cerebral veins and the basal veins of Rosenthal. It is an unpaired midline vein that plays a crucial role in cerebral venous drainage.


The great cerebral vein is located deep within the brain, emerging from the confluence of the internal cerebral veins, near the posterior aspect of the brain. It travels backward beneath the splenium of the corpus callosum, along the roof of the third ventricle, and merges with the inferior sagittal sinus to form the straight sinus. This vein is situated close to the thalamus and pineal gland, making it an important structure in the deep venous system of the brain.

Structure and Anatomy


The great cerebral vein (vein of Galen) is formed by the confluence of two major venous structures, the internal cerebral veins. Each internal cerebral vein collects blood from several deep regions of the brain, including the thalamus, caudate nucleus, and parts of the lateral ventricles. These internal cerebral veins merge posteriorly near the pineal gland to form the great cerebral vein.


The great cerebral vein is located deep within the brain, positioned beneath the splenium of the corpus callosum, which is the posterior part of the large white matter structure that connects the two cerebral hemispheres. It runs along the roof of the third ventricle and is situated in the midline of the brain. The vein is closely associated with the thalamus, pineal gland, and adjacent structures within the deep venous system of the brain.


The great cerebral vein is a short but critical vein that runs posteriorly. After its formation by the internal cerebral veins, it travels backward along the upper margin of the third ventricle. As it courses through this region, it passes under the splenium of the corpus callosum and heads toward the tentorium cerebelli, a fold of dura mater that separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum.


Along its course, the great cerebral vein receives several tributaries from other deep venous structures in the brain:

  • Basal Veins of Rosenthal: These veins drain parts of the midbrain, medial temporal lobes, and the basal ganglia and join the great cerebral vein.
  • Superior Thalamostriate Veins: These veins drain parts of the thalamus and striatum.
  • Choroidal Veins: These drain the choroid plexus of the lateral and third ventricles.

These tributaries provide blood from the deep structures of the brain, consolidating their venous drainage into the great cerebral vein before it drains into larger venous sinuses.

Termination and Connection with the Straight Sinus

The great cerebral vein terminates by joining the inferior sagittal sinus, a smaller venous channel that runs along the lower edge of the falx cerebri. This junction occurs near the midline of the brain and leads to the formation of the straight sinus, a large dural venous sinus that runs along the attachment of the falx cerebri to the tentorium cerebelli. The straight sinus then directs venous blood to the confluence of sinuses, where several major sinuses meet and eventually drain into the internal jugular veins, returning blood to the systemic circulation.

Relationship to Surrounding Structures

The great cerebral vein lies in close proximity to several key anatomical structures in the brain:

  • Pineal Gland: Located just anterior to the junction of the great cerebral vein and the straight sinus.
  • Thalamus: Situated lateral and inferior to the vein, the thalamus is part of the deep brain structures that the great cerebral vein helps drain.
  • Third Ventricle: The vein is positioned above the roof of the third ventricle, a central cavity in the brain through which cerebrospinal fluid flows.

Dural Encasement

The great cerebral vein, like other major veins in the brain, is encased by dura mater, a tough membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. As it approaches the straight sinus, the vein is enveloped by this protective dural layer, which forms the walls of the venous sinuses and aids in directing venous blood flow into the sinuses.

Anatomical Variations

There may be slight variations in the anatomy of the great cerebral vein, particularly in its size and the exact point where it forms or drains. Some individuals may have more prominent tributaries, or slight differences in the course of the internal cerebral veins and basal veins, leading to variations in the structure of the great cerebral vein. These variations, though typically minor, can be important in medical imaging and surgical contexts.


Venous Drainage of Deep Brain Structures

The primary function of the great cerebral vein is to collect deoxygenated blood from the deep structures of the brain. This includes critical regions such as the thalamus, basal ganglia, internal capsule, and parts of the corpus callosum. The brain’s deep structures are involved in essential functions such as sensory relay, motor control, and coordination between brain hemispheres, and the great cerebral vein ensures that blood from these areas is efficiently drained and returned to the larger venous system.

Drainage of the Internal Cerebral Veins

The great cerebral vein is formed by the confluence of the internal cerebral veins, which drain blood from areas like the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricles, the caudate nucleus, and the corpus callosum. These veins collect venous blood from the deep brain tissues and deliver it to the great cerebral vein, which then channels this blood into the larger dural venous sinuses. This is a critical pathway for the removal of metabolic waste products from deep brain structures.

Drainage of the Basal Veins of Rosenthal

The basal veins of Rosenthal drain blood from areas such as the midbrain, medial temporal lobe, insula, and basal ganglia, and empty into the great cerebral vein. By facilitating the venous outflow from these basal regions, the great cerebral vein helps maintain proper circulation and prevents blood from pooling in these deep areas of the brain. This is essential for maintaining normal brain metabolism and preventing venous congestion, which can lead to increased intracranial pressure.

Choroidal Venous Drainage

The great cerebral vein also drains blood from the choroid plexus, particularly through the choroidal veins, which it receives as tributaries. The choroid plexus is responsible for producing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which surrounds and cushions the brain and spinal cord. Proper venous drainage from the choroid plexus via the great cerebral vein is essential for maintaining CSF production and the balance of fluid in the brain. It helps remove the byproducts of CSF formation and ensures that excess fluid is efficiently removed from the ventricular system.

Connection with the Straight Sinus

One of the critical functions of the great cerebral vein is its role as a conduit between the deep venous system and the dural venous sinuses, particularly the straight sinus. The great cerebral vein, after receiving blood from its tributaries, joins the inferior sagittal sinus to form the straight sinus. This connection allows venous blood from the deep brain structures to be delivered into the larger venous sinuses, where it can eventually be directed toward the internal jugular veins and returned to the heart. The smooth flow of blood through this system is crucial for preventing venous congestion in the brain.

Maintenance of Intracranial Pressure

The great cerebral vein plays an important role in regulating intracranial pressure by facilitating the proper drainage of venous blood from the brain’s deep structures. Impaired drainage through this vein could lead to increased venous pressure within the brain, which in turn may cause elevated intracranial pressure (ICP). Proper functioning of the great cerebral vein ensures that venous blood is efficiently removed from the deep brain regions, preventing potential complications related to increased ICP, such as headaches, vision problems, and brain swelling.

Prevention of Venous Congestion

By draining venous blood from the deep brain structures, the great cerebral vein helps prevent venous congestion. Venous congestion occurs when blood is unable to flow freely out of the brain, leading to an accumulation of blood and increased pressure within the brain’s veins. The efficient drainage provided by the great cerebral vein ensures that blood flows smoothly into the straight sinus and ultimately into the larger dural venous sinuses, helping to prevent congestion and its associated complications, such as cerebral edema (swelling of the brain) and impaired brain function.

Role in Supporting Cerebral Metabolism

The venous drainage system, including the great cerebral vein, is essential for the removal of metabolic waste products, such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid, from the brain’s tissues. By collecting blood from the deep regions of the brain, the great cerebral vein helps remove these waste products, allowing for a constant supply of oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood to be delivered to the brain via the arterial system. This continuous exchange is vital for maintaining proper cerebral metabolism and ensuring the brain functions efficiently.

Maintenance of Blood Flow to Brainstem and Midbrain Structures

Through its tributaries, the great cerebral vein helps maintain proper blood flow to structures like the midbrain, brainstem, and pons. These regions are involved in vital functions such as respiration, consciousness, and motor control. The vein ensures that venous blood is efficiently drained from these areas, preventing congestion and promoting healthy circulation. This is particularly important in maintaining the brainstem’s normal functions and preventing conditions like brainstem compression or ischemia (lack of blood supply).

Regulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Dynamics

By contributing to the venous drainage of the choroid plexus, the great cerebral vein indirectly supports the regulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) production and reabsorption. Proper venous outflow is essential for maintaining the balance of CSF within the brain’s ventricular system and preventing conditions like hydrocephalus, where excess CSF leads to increased pressure in the brain. The great cerebral vein’s drainage from the choroid plexus aids in this dynamic process by removing blood and waste products from CSF production.

Clinical Significance

The great cerebral vein (vein of Galen) is clinically significant due to its role in draining deep brain structures and its connection to the straight sinus. Conditions affecting this vein can lead to severe neurological consequences.

  • Vein of Galen Malformation (VOGM): A rare but serious congenital condition where abnormal arteriovenous connections form in the region of the great cerebral vein. This results in high blood flow and can lead to hydrocephalus, brain damage, heart failure, and developmental delays in infants and children.
  • Venous Congestion and Thrombosis: Blockage or thrombosis (clot formation) in the great cerebral vein can impair venous drainage from deep brain structures, leading to increased intracranial pressure, brain swelling (edema), and possible neurological deficits, such as headaches, vision problems, and altered mental status.
  • Hydrocephalus: Due to its role in draining venous blood from the choroid plexus and surrounding areas, any obstruction in the great cerebral vein can lead to improper cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dynamics, contributing to hydrocephalus—the accumulation of excess CSF in the brain, resulting in increased pressure.

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