
Medically Reviewed by Anatomy Team

The breast is a glandular organ composed of fat, glandular tissue, and connective tissue, situated on the anterior chest wall in humans and other mammals. In females, the breast plays a key role in producing and delivering milk during breastfeeding. The internal structure includes lobes and lobules where milk is produced, connected by a network of ducts that transport milk to the nipple. Externally, the breast consists of the nipple and areola, the pigmented area surrounding the nipple. The size, shape, and composition of the breast can vary based on factors like genetics, age, and hormonal influences.


The breast is located on the chest wall, overlying the pectoralis major muscle. It spans vertically from the second to the sixth rib and horizontally from the sternum to the mid-axillary line. In males, the breast is also present but remains undeveloped due to a lack of hormonal stimulation.

Structure and Anatomy

The breast is a complex organ composed of glandular, connective, and fatty tissues, which work together to support its role in milk production and delivery. The detailed anatomy of the breast includes various structures, each contributing to its overall function. Below is a comprehensive breakdown of its anatomy:

External Structure

  • Nipple: The nipple is a protruding structure located centrally on the breast, through which milk is delivered. It contains multiple openings that are the terminal points of the lactiferous ducts, which transport milk from the mammary glands to the surface. The nipple is highly sensitive and contains smooth muscle fibers that allow it to become erect in response to stimuli such as touch or cold.
  • Areola: Surrounding the nipple is the areola, a pigmented area of skin that contains Montgomery glands. These glands secrete an oily substance that lubricates the nipple during breastfeeding and helps protect it from irritation. The pigmentation of the areola can vary in color and size, depending on hormonal changes, genetics, and individual factors.

Internal Structure

  • Lobes and Lobules: The breast is divided into 15 to 20 lobes, each containing smaller structures called lobules. The lobules are clusters of alveoli, the milk-producing units of the breast. Each lobe is separated by connective tissue and fat. Milk is synthesized in the lobules and then transported through a network of ducts to the nipple.
  • Alveoli: The alveoli are small, sac-like structures where milk is produced. Each alveolus is lined with secretory epithelial cells (lactocytes), which are responsible for synthesizing and secreting milk. Surrounding the alveoli are myoepithelial cells, which contract in response to hormonal signals and push the milk into the ductal system.

Ductal System

  • Lactiferous Ducts: The alveoli within the lobules are connected to the lactiferous ducts, a system of branching tubes that transport milk from the lobules to the nipple. Each breast typically contains 15 to 20 lactiferous ducts, corresponding to the number of lobes. The ducts are lined with epithelial cells and surrounded by myoepithelial cells, which help propel milk through the ducts during breastfeeding.
  • Lactiferous Sinuses: As the lactiferous ducts approach the nipple, they widen into lactiferous sinuses, small dilations where milk is temporarily stored before being expressed during breastfeeding. These sinuses allow milk to accumulate and be readily available for the infant when suckling begins.

Supportive Tissue

  • Cooper’s Ligaments: The breast is supported by fibrous connective tissue structures known as Cooper’s ligaments. These ligaments extend from the deep layer of the skin to the pectoral fascia, providing structural support and helping maintain the breast’s shape. Cooper’s ligaments play a key role in keeping the breast tissue in place and preventing sagging.
  • Adipose Tissue (Fat): A significant portion of the breast consists of adipose (fat) tissue, which surrounds the glandular structures and contributes to the breast’s size and shape. The amount of fat varies between individuals and is influenced by factors such as age, body weight, and hormonal levels. Fat tissue provides insulation and cushioning to the underlying structures.


Pectoralis Major Muscle: The breast is positioned over the pectoralis major muscle, a large muscle that covers the upper part of the chest. Although the pectoralis major does not contribute directly to the function of the breast, it provides a surface upon which the breast rests and can influence the overall shape and contour of the breast.

Vascular Supply

  • Arterial Supply: The breast has a rich blood supply provided by several arteries, including the internal thoracic artery, the lateral thoracic artery, and the intercostal arteries. The internal thoracic artery (also known as the internal mammary artery) supplies the medial side of the breast, while the lateral thoracic artery provides blood to the lateral aspect of the breast. This vascular network ensures that the breast tissue receives sufficient oxygen and nutrients to support milk production and general tissue health.
  • Venous Drainage: The venous drainage of the breast occurs through the internal thoracic veins, lateral thoracic veins, and intercostal veins. These veins transport deoxygenated blood away from the breast and return it to the heart. Venous drainage also helps regulate fluid balance within the breast tissue.

Lymphatic System

  • Lymphatic Drainage: The breast has a well-developed lymphatic system that plays a critical role in fluid drainage and immune defense. Lymphatic vessels within the breast drain into the axillary lymph nodes, located in the armpit, and the internal mammary lymph nodes, located along the breastbone. This lymphatic system helps maintain tissue fluid balance and remove waste products.
  • Role in Immune Function: The lymphatic system also transports immune cells, such as lymphocytes, which help protect the breast tissue from infections. The lymphatic drainage is important in the context of breast cancer, as cancer cells can spread through the lymphatic system to other parts of the body.


  • Nerve Supply: The breast is innervated by the anterior and lateral branches of the fourth to sixth thoracic intercostal nerves, which provide sensory and motor innervation. The nerve supply to the breast is concentrated in the nipple and areola, making these areas particularly sensitive to touch and temperature. This sensitivity is important for the neurohormonal reflexes involved in breastfeeding, such as the let-down reflex.
  • Sensory Function: The rich sensory nerve supply allows for the transmission of sensory information, such as pain, temperature, and pressure, to the central nervous system. This nerve network plays a vital role in breastfeeding by triggering the release of oxytocin, which facilitates milk ejection.

Development and Changes Over Time

  • Pubertal Development: The breast undergoes significant changes during puberty, driven by hormonal influences, particularly estrogen and progesterone. During this period, the ductal system expands, lobules begin to develop, and fat accumulates, resulting in the enlargement of the breasts. These changes are part of normal sexual maturation in females.
  • Pregnancy and Lactation: During pregnancy, the breast undergoes further changes in preparation for lactation. The lobules proliferate, and the alveoli mature to produce and store milk. The areola and nipple often enlarge and darken due to hormonal changes. After childbirth, the breast becomes fully functional for milk production and delivery.
  • Involution (Post-Lactation): After breastfeeding ceases, the breast undergoes a process called involution, where the milk-producing structures regress, and the glandular tissue returns to a non-lactating state. This process involves a reduction in the size of the lobules and a decrease in overall breast volume.
  • Aging: As women age, the glandular tissue in the breast may be gradually replaced by fat, and Cooper’s ligaments may lose their elasticity, leading to sagging of the breasts. Hormonal changes associated with menopause can also result in changes to the breast’s size and texture.


The breast plays a vital role in the nourishment of infants through the production and delivery of milk. It is also involved in immune protection for the infant and other physiological processes. Below is a detailed breakdown of the functions of the breast:

Milk Production (Lactation)

  • Synthesis of Milk: The primary function of the breast is to produce milk for the nourishment of infants. Milk is synthesized in the alveoli, which are small, sac-like structures within the lobules of the mammary gland. Specialized epithelial cells, called lactocytes, are responsible for producing the components of breast milk, including proteins (such as casein), fats (triglycerides), carbohydrates (lactose), and antibodies.
  • Hormonal Regulation of Milk Production: The production of milk is regulated by hormones, primarily prolactin, which is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland after childbirth. Prolactin stimulates the lactocytes in the alveoli to synthesize and secrete milk. Estrogen and progesterone also play roles in preparing the breast tissue for lactation during pregnancy.

Milk Storage

  • Temporary Milk Storage in Alveoli: Milk produced in the alveoli is temporarily stored within the alveolar spaces before being transported to the ducts. This storage ensures that milk is readily available for the infant during breastfeeding.
  • Lactiferous Sinuses: The lactiferous ducts widen into lactiferous sinuses near the nipple, where milk can be stored temporarily. This stored milk is readily available when the infant begins to suckle, allowing for immediate feeding.

Milk Transport

  • Ductal System: After being produced in the alveoli, milk is transported through the lactiferous ducts, which converge toward the nipple. These ducts provide a pathway for milk to move from the milk-producing lobules to the nipple. The ductal system ensures that milk is efficiently delivered to the infant during feeding.
  • Myoepithelial Cell Contraction: Surrounding the alveoli and ducts are myoepithelial cells, which contract in response to the hormone oxytocin. This contraction forces the milk out of the alveoli and through the ducts toward the nipple, facilitating the process of milk ejection during breastfeeding.

Milk Ejection (Let-Down Reflex)

  • Oxytocin Release and Milk Ejection: The let-down reflex, or milk ejection reflex, is triggered by the baby’s suckling or other stimuli, such as the sound of the baby crying. When the nipple is stimulated, sensory signals are sent to the brain, prompting the release of oxytocin from the pituitary gland. Oxytocin causes the myoepithelial cells around the alveoli to contract, pushing milk into the ducts and toward the nipple.
  • Efficient Delivery to the Infant: This reflex ensures that milk is effectively delivered from the breast to the infant during breastfeeding. The contraction of the myoepithelial cells and smooth muscle fibers in the ducts helps expel milk through the nipple’s multiple openings, making it easily accessible to the infant.

Infant Nourishment

  • Nutritional Content of Breast Milk: Breast milk provides a complete source of nutrition for infants, containing a balanced mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The primary carbohydrate in breast milk is lactose, which provides energy and supports the development of the infant’s brain and nervous system. Proteins like casein and whey are essential for growth, while fats, including essential fatty acids, provide energy and support brain development.
  • Tailored Nutritional Needs: The composition of breast milk changes over time to meet the changing needs of the growing infant. In the early days after childbirth, the breast produces colostrum, a thick, nutrient-rich fluid that is high in proteins and antibodies, providing essential nourishment and immune support. As breastfeeding continues, the milk composition evolves, becoming more calorie-dense and balanced to support the infant’s growth and development.

Immune Protection for the Infant

  • Antibody Transfer: One of the most important functions of the breast is to provide passive immunity to the infant. Breast milk contains high levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA), an antibody that helps protect the infant’s mucous membranes (such as those in the digestive and respiratory tracts) from infections. These antibodies are produced by the mother’s immune system and passed to the baby through breast milk, offering protection against pathogens.
  • Other Immune Factors: In addition to antibodies, breast milk contains lactoferrin, which binds iron and inhibits bacterial growth, and lysozyme, an enzyme that destroys bacterial cell walls. These immune factors help reduce the risk of infections in infants, particularly gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, during the critical early months of life.

Support for Infant Growth and Development

  • Growth Factors: Breast milk contains growth factors, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF), which promote the development of the infant’s digestive system, brain, and other tissues. These growth factors play a role in cellular growth, differentiation, and tissue repair.
  • Hormones in Breast Milk: Breast milk also contains hormones such as thyroid hormones, leptin, and cortisol, which regulate various physiological processes in the infant, including metabolism, appetite, and stress response. These hormones support the infant’s overall growth and development.

Physical Protection of the Breast

  • Skin Protection and Lubrication: The Montgomery glands, located in the areola surrounding the nipple, secrete an oily substance that lubricates and protects the nipple during breastfeeding. This secretion helps prevent the nipple from drying out or cracking due to the mechanical stress of breastfeeding.
  • Elastic and Resilient Skin: The skin of the breast, particularly in the nipple and areola, is designed to withstand the mechanical demands of breastfeeding. The elasticity of the skin helps maintain the structural integrity of the breast during feeding.

Thermoregulation and Infant Comfort

Breast Temperature Regulation: The breast has the ability to regulate its temperature, helping to keep the infant warm during breastfeeding. Studies have shown that the temperature of the breast may rise slightly during feeding, providing comfort and warmth to the infant, which is particularly important for newborns, who are unable to regulate their body temperature effectively.

Adaptation During Pregnancy and Lactation

  • Breast Changes During Pregnancy: During pregnancy, the breast undergoes significant changes in preparation for lactation. The lobules and ducts proliferate and enlarge, and the alveoli develop to produce and store milk. The areola and nipple become darker and larger, helping the newborn locate the nipple more easily after birth.
  • Response to Increased Demand: The breast is capable of adjusting milk production based on the infant’s needs. As the baby suckles, the breast responds by producing more milk to meet the increased demand. This process is regulated by feedback mechanisms involving prolactin and oxytocin, ensuring that the breast produces the right amount of milk for the infant’s growth.

Psychological and Bonding Role

Mother-Infant Bonding: Breastfeeding promotes a close physical and emotional bond between the mother and the infant. The release of oxytocin, which stimulates milk ejection, also promotes feelings of calmness and emotional connection between the mother and baby. This bonding is important for both emotional well-being and the infant’s psychological development.

Clinical Significance

The breast plays a crucial role in both reproductive health and overall well-being, making it a focus of clinical attention in several areas. One of the most significant aspects is its susceptibility to breast cancer, the most common cancer among women worldwide. Early detection through self-exams, mammograms, and other screenings is critical for successful treatment. Fibrocystic breast changes, benign lumps, and mastitis (inflammation of breast tissue) are other common breast conditions that can cause discomfort or concern.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the breast undergoes physiological changes, and conditions like mastitis and blocked milk ducts may occur, leading to pain and potential breastfeeding difficulties. Breast surgeries, such as augmentation, reduction, and reconstruction (often after mastectomy for cancer), also highlight the breast’s importance in both medical and aesthetic contexts. Understanding the anatomy and function of the breast is essential for diagnosing, treating, and managing a wide range of breast-related conditions.

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