Diploic veins

Medically Reviewed by Anatomy Team

Diploic veins are large, thin-walled veins located within the diploë, the spongy, cancellous bone between the inner and outer layers of the cranial bones. These veins drain venous blood from the bone marrow within the skull and are part of the intracranial venous system. They are embedded within the cranial bones and communicate with both the dural venous sinuses and the veins of the scalp.


Diploic veins are found within the cranial bones, running through the diploë, particularly in the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal bones. These veins are located between the inner and outer cortical layers of the skull and have connections to the emissary veins, dural venous sinuses, and veins of the scalp. Major diploic veins include the frontal diploic vein, anterior and posterior temporal diploic veins, and occipital diploic vein.

Structure and Anatomy

The diploic veins are an intricate network of venous channels located within the cancellous (spongy) bone of the skull, specifically in the layer known as the diploë, between the outer and inner cortical layers of the cranial bones. These veins are essential components of the skull’s venous system, contributing to the drainage of blood from the bone marrow of the cranial bones and connecting to both the internal and external venous systems.

General Structure and Characteristics

Diploic veins are thin-walled and irregular in shape, adapted to the spongy nature of the diploë. Unlike most veins, they lack valves, allowing for free and unrestricted flow of blood in multiple directions, depending on pressure gradients. Their structure is designed to facilitate the drainage of venous blood from the bone marrow within the cranial bones.

Location in Cranial Bones

The diploic veins are embedded within the diploë of the skull bones, which is the spongy layer sandwiched between the outer (periosteal) and inner (meningeal) layers of the cranial bones. These veins are most prominent in the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal bones, where they form a network of channels that run throughout the diploë, draining the bone marrow and communicating with other venous systems.

Major Diploic Veins

There are several prominent diploic veins, each located in different regions of the skull. These major veins include:

Frontal Diploic Vein

The frontal diploic vein is located within the frontal bone, which forms the forehead. It runs parallel to the outer surface of the bone and drains venous blood from the diploë in the frontal region. This vein typically connects with the supraorbital vein and the superior sagittal sinus, providing a pathway for venous blood to be drained from the frontal region of the skull.

Anterior Temporal Diploic Vein

The anterior temporal diploic vein is found within the diploë of the temporal bone, specifically in the anterior (front) part of the temporal region. It drains blood from the diploë of the temporal bone and communicates with the sphenoparietal sinus or the superior sagittal sinus. This vein is responsible for draining the anterior portion of the temporal region.

Posterior Temporal Diploic Vein

The posterior temporal diploic vein is situated in the posterior (back) part of the temporal bone. It runs through the diploë of the temporal bone and typically communicates with the transverse sinus or sigmoid sinus, which are dural venous sinuses located at the base of the skull. This vein drains the diploë in the posterior temporal region.

Occipital Diploic Vein

The occipital diploic vein is located within the occipital bone, at the back of the skull. It drains blood from the diploë in the occipital region and typically communicates with the occipital vein and the transverse sinus. The occipital diploic vein also has connections with the marginal sinus and the confluence of sinuses, allowing venous blood to flow into the major venous drainage pathways of the brain.

Connections with Dural Venous Sinuses

The diploic veins communicate directly with the dural venous sinuses, which are large channels located between the layers of dura mater that drain blood from the brain and skull into the internal jugular vein. Specific connections include:

  • The superior sagittal sinus, which receives blood from the frontal diploic vein and the anterior temporal diploic vein.
  • The transverse sinus and sigmoid sinus, which receive blood from the posterior temporal diploic vein and the occipital diploic vein.
  • The sphenoparietal sinus, which is connected to the diploic veins of the temporal bone. These connections facilitate the drainage of venous blood from the diploë of the skull into the larger venous sinuses, which then transport the blood out of the cranial cavity.

Connections with Emissary Veins

In addition to their communication with the dural venous sinuses, the diploic veins also connect to the emissary veins, which pass through foramina in the skull and link the intracranial venous system with the veins outside the skull (extracranial veins). These emissary veins provide an additional route for blood to flow between the internal venous system of the skull and the external veins of the scalp and face. This network helps balance venous pressure and contributes to the regulation of blood flow between the inside and outside of the skull.

Flow Characteristics

Due to the valveless nature of the diploic veins, blood flow is bi-directional. This allows blood to move in either direction, depending on the pressure gradients between the intracranial and extracranial venous systems. The direction of blood flow can change based on factors such as changes in posture, intracranial pressure, or external pressures on the scalp. This flexibility in flow direction helps maintain venous circulation and pressure balance between the cranial cavity and the scalp.

Anastomoses with Other Veins

The diploic veins also form anastomoses (connections) with other veins within the skull, including the meningeal veins, which drain the dura mater, and the scalp veins. These connections allow for venous blood to flow between different regions of the skull, contributing to the overall drainage of blood from the cranial bones and surrounding tissues.

Anatomical Variations

The anatomy of the diploic veins can vary significantly between individuals. In some people, certain diploic veins may be larger or more prominent, while in others, they may be smaller or less developed. Additionally, the number and size of diploic veins can vary, affecting how blood is drained from the diploë of the skull. These anatomical variations can influence how blood is routed through the skull and may affect susceptibility to certain conditions, such as skull fractures or venous congestion.


The diploic veins play a crucial role in draining blood from the bone marrow of the cranial bones and serve as important conduits between the intracranial and extracranial venous systems. Below are the key functions of the diploic veins, explained in detail.

Drainage of the Bone Marrow in the Cranial Bones

The primary function of the diploic veins is to drain venous blood from the bone marrow located in the diploë of the cranial bones. The diploë is the spongy bone layer between the inner and outer cortical plates of the skull. The bone marrow within this layer is highly vascularized, and the diploic veins are responsible for collecting deoxygenated blood and waste products from the marrow spaces. This function is essential for maintaining proper blood circulation within the skull bones.

Connection to Dural Venous Sinuses

The diploic veins communicate directly with the dural venous sinuses, which are large, valveless venous channels that drain blood from the brain and skull into the internal jugular veins. The dural venous sinuses include the superior sagittal sinus, transverse sinus, sigmoid sinus, and sphenoparietal sinus. Through these connections, the diploic veins facilitate the transfer of venous blood from the cranial bones to the major venous drainage system of the brain and skull. This connection ensures that blood collected from the bone marrow in the skull is efficiently transported out of the cranial cavity.

For example, the frontal diploic vein drains into the superior sagittal sinus, while the posterior temporal diploic vein drains into the transverse sinus or sigmoid sinus. These connections help ensure smooth venous outflow from the skull.

Pressure Regulation Between Intracranial and Extracranial Systems

The diploic veins, being part of the skull’s venous network, contribute to the regulation of intracranial pressure. They play a role in balancing venous pressure between the intracranial (inside the skull) and extracranial (outside the skull) venous systems. By connecting the venous blood supply within the cranial bones to the external veins, the diploic veins help maintain stable pressure in both systems.

Because these veins are valveless, blood can flow in either direction, depending on the pressure gradient between the dural venous sinuses and external veins, such as those in the scalp or face. This bi-directional blood flow helps prevent excessive pressure buildup in the intracranial space, particularly when normal venous drainage is impeded. This function is important during changes in body position, physical activity, or conditions that alter intracranial pressure.

Thermoregulation of the Brain

The diploic veins also contribute to the thermoregulation of the brain. Venous blood flow through the diploic veins helps regulate the temperature of the cranial bones and, indirectly, the brain. The veins can carry cooler venous blood from the scalp through emissary veins, which can then flow into the diploic system. This mechanism allows the diploic veins to help dissipate heat generated by the brain’s metabolic activity.

By facilitating the cooling of the cranial bones, the diploic veins play a role in ensuring that the brain maintains an optimal temperature for its function. Maintaining temperature homeostasis is essential for the brain’s metabolic processes and overall health.

Alternate Route for Venous Drainage

In the event of blockages or obstruction of the main venous pathways, such as the dural venous sinuses, the diploic veins can serve as alternate routes for venous blood to escape the cranial cavity. This collateral drainage function becomes important in cases of venous sinus thrombosis, trauma, or increased intracranial pressure, as the diploic veins can help bypass the obstruction and maintain proper venous outflow.

For example, if the superior sagittal sinus becomes blocked, venous blood from the frontal diploic vein may drain into emissary veins or other surrounding venous structures to relieve pressure. This backup system helps to prevent venous congestion and potential complications such as intracranial hypertension or brain swelling.

Communication with Emissary Veins

The diploic veins connect to the emissary veins, which pass through the foramina of the skull and provide communication between the intracranial venous system and the external veins of the scalp and face. This connection allows for the exchange of blood between the diploic veins and the emissary veins, contributing to the balance of venous pressure between the inside and outside of the skull.

The mastoid emissary vein, for example, connects the posterior temporal diploic vein to the veins of the scalp and auricular region, while the occipital emissary vein connects the occipital diploic vein to the occipital region’s external venous system. These connections allow the diploic veins to act as a bridge between the two venous systems, facilitating proper drainage and preventing venous stasis.

Drainage of the Skull in Trauma and Fractures

The diploic veins are also involved in draining blood during skull trauma or fractures. When the skull experiences a fracture, the diploic veins may become disrupted or damaged, leading to bleeding into the diploë or surrounding areas. However, these veins also provide an important drainage pathway for blood in the event of trauma, helping to evacuate blood and prevent it from accumulating in the cranial cavity or scalp.

This drainage function is important in minimizing the effects of intracranial hemorrhages that result from trauma or fractures, as the diploic veins can direct blood away from critical brain areas.

Anastomoses with Scalp and Meningeal Veins

The diploic veins form anastomoses (connections) with the veins of the scalp and the meningeal veins, which drain the dura mater (the outer protective covering of the brain). These anastomoses create a network of venous channels that help distribute and drain blood from the outer and inner layers of the skull.

For instance, the parietal diploic vein connects with the superficial temporal vein, allowing blood to flow between the diploë of the parietal bone and the superficial veins of the scalp. These anastomoses ensure that blood is drained from multiple regions, contributing to a broader venous drainage system for the skull.

Absorption of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

While the diploic veins primarily drain venous blood, they may also play a minor role in the absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the subarachnoid space through indirect pathways involving the dural venous sinuses. CSF, which circulates around the brain and spinal cord, is absorbed into the venous system primarily through arachnoid granulations, which project into the dural sinuses. The diploic veins may contribute to this process by facilitating venous drainage and helping maintain the overall balance of CSF pressure in the brain.

Clinical Significance

The diploic veins are clinically significant due to their location within the cranial bones and their role in venous drainage and pressure regulation.

  • Skull Fractures and Trauma: In cases of skull fractures or head trauma, the diploic veins can be damaged, leading to bleeding within the skull. This can result in the formation of subdural or epidural hematomas, which may require surgical intervention if the bleeding compromises brain function.
  • Infection Pathways: Diploic veins, through their connections with emissary veins, can act as potential pathways for infection to spread between the scalp and the intracranial structures. Conditions such as osteomyelitis of the skull can spread through these veins and lead to complications like meningitis or intracranial abscesses.
  • Venous Congestion: If the normal drainage pathways through the dural venous sinuses are blocked, such as in cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, the diploic veins can provide an alternate route for venous blood, helping to reduce intracranial pressure and prevent further complications.

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