Dural venous sinuses

Medically Reviewed by Anatomy Team

Dural venous sinuses are a network of large, endothelial-lined venous channels located between the layers of the dura mater in the brain. These sinuses are responsible for collecting deoxygenated blood from the brain, the meninges, and the bones of the skull. Unlike typical veins, dural sinuses do not have valves, allowing blood to flow freely based on pressure gradients. They drain the venous blood into the internal jugular veins, which then return it to the heart.


Dural venous sinuses are located between the periosteal and meningeal layers of the dura mater, predominantly along the midline and in various grooves of the skull. They include sinuses such as the superior sagittal sinus, inferior sagittal sinus, straight sinus, transverse sinus, and sigmoid sinus, forming a complex venous network primarily in the cranial cavity.

Structure and Anatomy

General Structure

Dural venous sinuses are venous channels located between the two layers of the dura mater, which are the periosteal layer (outer layer, attached to the skull) and the meningeal layer (inner layer, in contact with the brain and arachnoid mater). Unlike veins in the rest of the body, dural venous sinuses do not have smooth muscle in their walls, and they are lined by a layer of endothelium without valves. This allows venous blood to flow freely, influenced by pressure gradients rather than a one-way valve system.

Main Sinuses

  • Superior Sagittal Sinus
    • Location: Runs along the midline of the cranial vault, in the upper border of the falx cerebri.
    • Course: Extends from the frontal region (near the crista galli) to the internal occipital protuberance, where it typically meets the confluence of sinuses.
    • Structure: A large, unpaired sinus that widens posteriorly as it approaches the confluence of sinuses.
  • Inferior Sagittal Sinus
    • Location: Lies in the lower, free margin of the falx cerebri.
    • Course: Runs parallel to the superior sagittal sinus but is much smaller. It joins the straight sinus posteriorly.
    • Structure: A smaller sinus than the superior sagittal sinus, responsible for draining deep parts of the brain.
  • Straight Sinus
    • Location: Located where the falx cerebri meets the tentorium cerebelli.
    • Course: Extends from the junction of the inferior sagittal sinus and the great cerebral vein (of Galen) to the confluence of sinuses.
    • Structure: A midline, unpaired sinus that serves as a connection between deep and superficial venous systems.
  • Transverse Sinuses
    • Location: Paired sinuses that run laterally from the confluence of sinuses, within the grooves of the occipital bone along the tentorium cerebelli’s attached margin.
    • Course: Extends horizontally from the confluence of sinuses toward the lateral aspects of the skull, transitioning into the sigmoid sinuses.
    • Structure: Two large sinuses, left and right, with a typical asymmetry where one may dominate.
  • Sigmoid Sinuses
    • Location: Located in the posterior cranial fossa, following an S-shaped course through the temporal and occipital bones.
    • Course: Extends from the transverse sinuses and curves downwards to the jugular foramen.
    • Structure: Paired sinuses, leading directly into the internal jugular veins.
  • Occipital Sinus
    • Location: Positioned in the falx cerebelli, along the posterior part of the foramen magnum.
    • Course: Extends from the confluence of sinuses to the internal vertebral venous plexus.
    • Structure: A small, midline sinus involved in draining blood from the cerebellar region.
  • Cavernous Sinuses
    • Location: Located on either side of the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone, surrounding the pituitary gland.
    • Course: Extends from the superior orbital fissure to the apex of the petrous temporal bone.
    • Structure: A large, complex sinus, containing several important neurovascular structures, including cranial nerves and the internal carotid artery.
  • Superior and Inferior Petrosal Sinuses
    • Location: Superior petrosal sinuses lie at the upper margin of the petrous temporal bone, while the inferior petrosal sinuses are located in the groove between the petrous bone and the basilar part of the occipital bone.
    • Course: Superior petrosal sinuses connect the cavernous sinuses with the transverse sinuses, and inferior petrosal sinuses connect the cavernous sinuses to the jugular bulb.
    • Structure: Paired sinuses that serve as important connections between the cavernous and transverse/sigmoid sinuses.

Sinus Walls

The walls of the dural venous sinuses are composed of a simple endothelial lining and the surrounding dura mater. They are held open by the rigid dura, preventing collapse even when venous pressure is low. Unlike veins in other parts of the body, these sinuses have no valves, allowing multidirectional blood flow depending on the pressure gradients between the sinuses and other venous structures.

Confluence of Sinuses

The confluence of sinuses is an important anatomical structure located near the internal occipital protuberance. It serves as the meeting point for the superior sagittal sinus, straight sinus, and occipital sinus. From the confluence, venous blood flows into the transverse sinuses, which direct the blood laterally toward the sigmoid sinuses and ultimately the internal jugular veins.

Arachnoid Granulations

Protruding into the dural venous sinuses, particularly the superior sagittal sinus, are small structures called arachnoid granulations (also known as Pacchionian bodies). These granulations are involved in the absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) into the venous blood, contributing to the regulation of intracranial pressure.


Dural venous sinuses receive blood from various cerebral veins and other venous structures, including:

  • Cerebral veins: Drain blood from the brain parenchyma into the dural sinuses.
  • Emissary veins: Connect the venous system of the scalp and face with the dural venous sinuses, providing a potential route for infection to spread from outside the skull into the intracranial venous system.
  • Diploic veins: Drain blood from the spongy bone of the skull (diploë) into the dural sinuses.

Venous Plexuses

In addition to the main sinuses, there are venous plexuses, such as the basilar plexus, which interconnects the dural venous sinuses, especially near the foramen magnum. These plexuses help facilitate the free flow of blood between the sinuses and other venous structures of the head and neck.


The anatomy of dural venous sinuses can vary between individuals, particularly in terms of the size and dominance of certain sinuses. For example, the transverse sinuses are often asymmetric, with one side being more dominant. The superior sagittal sinus may also display variations in size and shape, while smaller sinuses like the occipital sinus may be absent or highly variable.


Venous Drainage of the Brain

The primary function of the dural venous sinuses is to facilitate the drainage of deoxygenated blood from the brain. They collect blood from both the superficial and deep cerebral veins, including veins draining the cerebral cortex, subcortical structures, cerebellum, and brainstem. This venous blood is channeled through the network of sinuses and eventually directed into the internal jugular veins, which carry it back to the heart. By acting as major pathways for venous return, the dural venous sinuses ensure the proper circulation of blood through the brain, preventing the buildup of metabolic waste products and excess carbon dioxide.

Drainage of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

Another critical function of the dural venous sinuses is to facilitate the absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF is reabsorbed into the venous system through arachnoid granulations, which are small protrusions of the arachnoid mater into the dural sinuses, particularly the superior sagittal sinus. These granulations allow the one-way flow of CSF from the subarachnoid space into the venous system. The ability of the dural sinuses to absorb CSF helps maintain the balance between CSF production and removal, which is vital for regulating intracranial pressure and protecting the brain from mechanical damage.

Regulation of Intracranial Pressure

The dural venous sinuses play an essential role in maintaining and regulating intracranial pressure (ICP). By facilitating the drainage of both blood and cerebrospinal fluid, they contribute to the homeostatic balance within the cranial cavity. Any alteration in venous outflow, such as obstruction or reduced flow in the dural sinuses, can lead to increased intracranial pressure, which can have severe consequences for brain function. The sinuses’ large capacity for drainage helps buffer changes in blood volume and CSF, thereby contributing to the stability of ICP.

Absorption of Venous Blood from Various Sources

Dural venous sinuses serve as central channels for draining venous blood from multiple sources within and around the brain. These include:

  • Cerebral veins: Drain blood from the brain’s surface and deeper structures.
  • Diploic veins: Drain blood from the diploë (spongy bone) of the skull.
  • Emissary veins: Connect the scalp’s venous system with the dural venous sinuses, allowing blood to flow between extracranial and intracranial spaces. This connection also provides a route for temperature regulation, as heat exchange can occur between the scalp and the cranial cavity.

By collecting venous blood from these various systems, the dural venous sinuses act as large, efficient conduits for directing blood back toward the heart via the internal jugular veins.

Prevention of Blood Stasis and Promotion of Free Flow

Dural venous sinuses do not contain valves, unlike most veins in the body. This lack of valves allows blood to flow freely in either direction, depending on pressure gradients. As a result, venous blood is less likely to become stagnant within the cranial cavity, which reduces the risk of clot formation. The open architecture of the sinuses, with their wide, rigid channels, promotes the continuous flow of blood, even when intracranial or venous pressures fluctuate. This free-flow system is essential for accommodating changes in posture, physical activity, or intracranial pressure.

Protection of Neurovascular Structures

Certain dural venous sinuses, particularly the cavernous sinuses, play a protective role for key neurovascular structures. The cavernous sinuses surround the internal carotid arteries, cranial nerves (III, IV, V1, V2, VI), and the pituitary gland. By acting as a venous conduit around these important structures, the sinuses provide cushioning and support, helping to protect them from mechanical damage and fluctuations in pressure.

Communication with Extracranial Venous Systems

The dural venous sinuses communicate with venous systems outside the skull through emissary veins. These veins create connections between the scalp, face, and dural sinuses, allowing for venous blood to pass between the extracranial and intracranial regions. This network is important not only for drainage but also for compensatory venous outflow when there are blockages or pressure changes within the intracranial venous system.

Blood Cooling Mechanism

Through connections with the emissary veins, the dural venous sinuses play a minor role in temperature regulation. The emissary veins connect the scalp’s venous network, which is exposed to external temperatures, to the intracranial sinuses. This setup allows for the dissipation of heat from the venous blood flowing through the dural sinuses, helping to prevent overheating within the brain. This cooling mechanism is a passive function but can become significant under conditions where blood flow to the brain increases, such as during exercise or heat exposure.

Redistribution of Blood Flow

The network of dural venous sinuses provides flexibility in the redistribution of venous blood. In cases of increased intracranial pressure or blockage in certain areas, blood can be diverted through alternative sinus pathways to reach the internal jugular veins. For instance, if the superior sagittal sinus is partially obstructed, blood can be directed to the transverse sinuses and then to the sigmoid sinuses, ensuring uninterrupted venous outflow. This ability to reroute blood flow ensures that cerebral circulation remains stable under varying conditions.

Clinical Significance

Dural venous sinuses are crucial for maintaining proper cerebral venous drainage and intracranial pressure regulation, making them significant in several clinical conditions. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is one of the most critical conditions associated with these sinuses, where a blood clot forms in one or more of the sinuses, leading to impaired venous drainage. This can cause increased intracranial pressure, headaches, seizures, and, in severe cases, stroke or brain damage.

Infections like meningitis or mastoiditis can spread to the dural venous sinuses via emissary veins, potentially causing thrombosis or abscess formation. Additionally, their proximity to important neurovascular structures, particularly in the cavernous sinus, means that conditions such as cavernous sinus thrombosis can affect the cranial nerves and ocular structures, leading to complications like double vision or vision loss.

The sinuses are also involved in surgical procedures, such as those related to tumors or vascular malformations, where inadvertent damage can result in excessive bleeding due to the sinuses’ large venous capacity. Therefore, understanding the anatomy and function of these sinuses is essential for diagnosing and managing various neurological and vascular conditions.

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