Basilic vein

Medically Reviewed by Anatomy Team

The basilic vein is a large superficial vein located on the medial (pinky side) aspect of the upper limb. It runs from the dorsal venous network of the hand, ascending along the ulnar side of the forearm. As it continues upward, it passes along the medial side of the elbow and the lower portion of the upper arm. Near the middle of the arm, it pierces the deep fascia, transitioning from the superficial to deep venous system. The basilic vein then continues into the upper arm, joining with the brachial veins to form the axillary vein near the armpit (axilla).

Structures and Anatomy


The basilic vein is a superficial vein that runs along the medial (ulnar) side of the upper limb, extending from the hand, through the forearm, and into the upper arm. It begins on the dorsum of the hand, ascends the ulnar side of the forearm, and passes along the medial aspect of the elbow. As it progresses upward through the arm, it transitions from the superficial to the deep venous system near the middle of the upper arm, where it joins the brachial veins to form the axillary vein.


The basilic vein originates from the dorsal venous network of the hand, a network of superficial veins located on the back of the hand. Specifically, the basilic vein begins from the medial (ulnar) side of this network, which collects deoxygenated blood from the superficial tissues of the hand and fingers.


  • Forearm: In the forearm, the basilic vein runs along the medial (ulnar) side, closely following the course of the ulna. It ascends superficially under the skin and subcutaneous tissue, traveling parallel to the ulnar artery, but it remains more superficial compared to the deeper structures of the arm. It remains on the surface, separated from deep structures by the deep fascia, which encases the muscles and deeper vessels of the forearm.
  • Elbow: At the elbow, the basilic vein continues along the medial aspect, passing superficially over the cubital fossa (the anterior region of the elbow). It is positioned medially to the median cubital vein, which connects it to the cephalic vein at the elbow. In this region, the basilic vein remains superficial and is easy to identify, making it a key point of anatomical reference.
  • Upper Arm: As the basilic vein ascends into the upper arm, it continues on the medial side, running superficially over the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. Around the middle of the upper arm, the vein pierces the deep fascia (also known as the brachial fascia), a layer of connective tissue that separates the superficial structures from the deeper layers. Upon piercing the deep fascia, the basilic vein transitions into the deeper venous system and travels alongside the brachial artery and the brachial veins.


  • Superficial relations: Throughout its course in the forearm and arm, the basilic vein lies just beneath the skin and superficial fascia. In the forearm, it is superficial to the flexor muscles, such as the flexor carpi ulnaris. In the arm, it is superficial to the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles until it pierces the deep fascia.
  • Medial relations: Medially, the basilic vein runs alongside the ulnar border of the forearm and arm. It stays on the medial aspect of the limb, maintaining a close anatomical relationship with the structures on the ulnar side, such as the ulna in the forearm.
  • Deep relations: Once the basilic vein pierces the deep fascia in the upper arm, it becomes related to deeper structures such as the brachial artery and brachial veins. The brachial artery and veins run alongside it as it travels toward the axillary region.


The basilic vein receives blood from several tributaries along its course:

  • Superficial tributaries from the skin and subcutaneous tissues of the medial side of the forearm and arm. These tributaries drain blood from the superficial structures and direct it into the basilic vein.
  • Dorsal venous network tributaries from the hand. The dorsal venous network of the hand supplies the basilic vein with blood from the dorsum of the hand and fingers.
  • Perforating veins, which connect the superficial veins like the basilic vein to deeper veins, allowing for communication between the superficial and deep venous systems. These perforating veins help regulate venous pressure and maintain balanced drainage from both superficial and deep structures.


The basilic vein terminates when it joins the brachial veins at or near the lower border of the teres major muscle, which is situated in the upper part of the arm near the armpit. This union forms the axillary vein, which continues proximally to become part of the central venous system, ultimately draining into the subclavian vein and, later, the superior vena cava.

Surrounding Structures

  • Anteriorly: The basilic vein lies immediately beneath the skin and superficial fascia along the medial aspect of the upper limb. In the forearm, it runs anterior to muscles like the flexor carpi ulnaris.
  • Posteriorly: In the forearm, the vein is superficial to the ulna and the deeper flexor muscles. In the upper arm, it is superficial to the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles until it pierces the deep fascia.
  • Laterally: The vein is bordered laterally by the medial portion of the arm and forearm, with muscles like the biceps brachii and the brachial artery lying deeper to the vein as it ascends.
  • Medially: Medially, the basilic vein is close to the ulnar side of the arm, near the skin and underlying fascia.


The course and structure of the basilic vein can show anatomical variations between individuals. Some people may have a more superficial basilic vein that pierces the deep fascia closer to the elbow, while in others, the vein may remain superficial until further up the arm. Variations in the size and prominence of the basilic vein are also common, with some individuals having a larger or more prominent vein, while in others, it may be smaller or deeper beneath the skin. Additionally, the communication between the basilic vein and the cephalic vein via the median cubital vein may vary in location and structure.

Communication with Other Veins

The basilic vein communicates with other veins, including:

  • The median cubital vein, which connects the basilic vein to the cephalic vein at the level of the cubital fossa (elbow). This connection is important for balancing venous return between the medial and lateral sides of the forearm and upper arm.
  • Perforating veins, which connect the basilic vein to deeper veins in the arm. These perforators help regulate pressure and flow between the superficial and deep venous systems.


Superficial Venous Drainage of the Medial Forearm and Hand

The basilic vein plays a crucial role in superficial venous drainage from the medial aspect of the hand, wrist, and forearm. It begins in the dorsal venous network of the hand and collects deoxygenated blood from the skin and superficial tissues of the ulnar (medial) side of the hand and forearm. The blood from the hand, including the fingers and the dorsum of the hand, is drained into the dorsal venous network, and the basilic vein carries this blood proximally toward the forearm.

As it ascends along the medial aspect of the forearm, it continues to drain blood from superficial structures, including the skin, subcutaneous tissues, and small veins of the forearm. This superficial drainage ensures that deoxygenated blood is returned efficiently from the hand and forearm to the central venous system.

Venous Return from the Upper Arm

In addition to draining the forearm and hand, the basilic vein is responsible for the venous return from the superficial tissues of the upper arm. As it continues its course into the upper arm, the basilic vein collects blood from the medial side of the upper limb. This includes blood from the superficial skin and subcutaneous tissues of the arm, where small tributaries drain into the basilic vein.

The basilic vein provides a pathway for blood to move from the superficial venous system of the upper arm into the deeper venous system, ultimately contributing to overall venous return from the upper limb.

Transition from Superficial to Deep Venous System

One of the unique roles of the basilic vein is its function as a transitional vein, connecting the superficial venous system to the deep venous system. As the basilic vein ascends the arm, it pierces the deep fascia near the middle of the upper arm. Once it passes through the deep fascia, it transitions from a superficial vein to a part of the deep venous system.

In this deeper location, the basilic vein joins the brachial veins, which are part of the deep venous system, to form the axillary vein. This transition is critical because it allows deoxygenated blood collected from the superficial structures of the arm and forearm to be efficiently transferred into the larger venous system, eventually returning to the heart through the superior vena cava.

Communication with the Cephalic Vein

The basilic vein plays an important role in communicating with the cephalic vein, which runs along the lateral aspect of the upper limb. The basilic vein is connected to the cephalic vein via the median cubital vein at the level of the cubital fossa (elbow). This connection allows blood to be redistributed between the lateral (cephalic) and medial (basilic) sides of the arm, ensuring balanced venous return.

The median cubital vein acts as a bridge, allowing blood to flow from the basilic vein to the cephalic vein (and vice versa) depending on pressure differences or the position of the arm. This communication helps regulate venous return, preventing the accumulation of blood in one part of the limb and ensuring efficient circulation throughout the upper limb.

Support for Venous Return During Muscle Contraction

The basilic vein also participates in the muscle pump mechanism that aids venous return from the arm. When muscles in the forearm and upper arm contract, they compress the nearby veins, including the basilic vein, helping push blood upward toward the heart. This process is essential in overcoming the effects of gravity, especially when the arm is positioned below the level of the heart, as in daily activities.

By benefiting from the muscle pump action, the basilic vein helps to prevent venous stasis and ensures efficient circulation. The compression of veins during muscle contraction increases venous return to the heart, which is particularly important during physical activities where the metabolic demands on the body are higher.

Venous Pressure Regulation

The basilic vein helps regulate venous pressure in the superficial venous system of the arm and forearm. Through its connections with the cephalic vein and its ability to communicate with deeper veins via perforating veins, the basilic vein plays a role in balancing pressure differences within the venous system.

In situations where venous pressure is higher in one region (such as the cephalic vein or the superficial veins of the forearm), blood can be redirected through the basilic vein. This helps prevent blood pooling or venous congestion in any one area, promoting smoother venous return and preventing complications like venous insufficiency or varicose veins.

Venous Return to the Central Circulation

Ultimately, the basilic vein’s most critical function is its role in returning venous blood to the central circulation. As it joins the brachial veins to form the axillary vein, the basilic vein becomes a significant contributor to the venous drainage of the entire upper limb. The axillary vein continues its path toward the subclavian vein, which drains into the superior vena cava, completing the cycle of blood return to the heart.

By serving as one of the primary superficial veins responsible for transporting deoxygenated blood from the hand, forearm, and upper arm, the basilic vein plays a fundamental role in ensuring that the upper limb’s venous return is both efficient and continuous.


Though not a primary function, the basilic vein, like other superficial veins, indirectly contributes to thermoregulation. Superficial veins are closer to the skin’s surface and help regulate body temperature by dissipating heat. During periods of high body temperature or increased physical activity, more blood flows through the basilic vein and other superficial veins, allowing heat to be released through the skin.

Conversely, in colder conditions, blood flow through superficial veins may be reduced, directing more blood toward deeper veins to conserve heat. In this way, the basilic vein participates in maintaining the body’s internal temperature by regulating blood flow through the skin.

Clinical Significance

The basilic vein is clinically important due to its accessibility and role in medical procedures. It is often used for venipuncture and intravenous (IV) access when superficial veins are required, particularly in the forearm and the elbow region. The vein’s size and relatively superficial location make it suitable for these purposes.

In cases where deeper venous access is needed, the basilic vein is sometimes used in the creation of arteriovenous fistulas for dialysis patients. Its transition from superficial to deep near the upper arm also makes it useful for forming these fistulas, which connect an artery and vein to facilitate high blood flow for dialysis.

The basilic vein can also be involved in conditions such as thrombophlebitis, where inflammation of the vein occurs due to blood clots, leading to pain, swelling, and redness. Additionally, because it communicates with deep veins, any obstruction in the basilic vein may affect overall venous return from the upper limb.

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